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Sunday, August 24, 2014

Spike Lee Hopes 'Things Will Really Blow Up' if Ferguson Officer Is Acquitted

After a week of rioting and confrontations in Ferguson, Missouri, filmmaker Spike Lee said he hoped that "things will really blow up" if Officer Darren Wilson is tried and the people of Ferguson are unhappy with the verdict.

Lee made his incendiary remarks on Tuesday's Anderson Cooper 360 on CNN, saying that, even though he does not have the facts, "something smells bad in Ferguson, and it's not just tear gas."

"And I'm not saying that people should burn down stuff and riot and loot," Lee told host Anderson Cooper. "But this is not the first time we've seen this. And I just hope that things will really blow up if the people aren't happy with the verdict of this upcoming trial."

Cooper let Lee's inflammatory comments slide without even asking a follow-up question or calling him out.



  1. I think we are headed for a race war no matter what the outcome. You have over a million black youth who are either unemployed or under employed with little or no ambition blaming everyone else for their problems. That anger is bound to spill over and is coming to a city or town near you! Just like Cambridge in 1963.
    This time there will be no sympathy because we are all hurting in this economy. It's no wonder so many are arming themselves and their homes. It won't be pretty!

  2. This is all easy for him to say. He is above all this. He is wealthy and famous...untouchable. He will have a mountain hideaway when the violence he is wishing on us breaks. He should be held responsible for his words if this does happen. He should be charged with a criminal offense.

  3. Spike lee is a moron..

  4. The officer hasn't been charged....yet.

  5. He wants a pound of flesh regardless of the facts.

  6. I don't believe the officer beat himself in the face. Would I take his word over the criminal witness friend? Yes.

  7. With more and more evidence coming out in FAVOR of "the officer"... Like, I don't know, eye witness support -

    how many altercations do you know that would have TWELVE eye witnesses to back up the officers view?

    A VIDEO with audio backing up "the officer"?

    A broken eye socket in an altercation that had the "gentle giant" put his hands up?

    "Innocent teens" that just got done "strong arm" shoplifting not ten minutes prior?

    If "the officer" gets charged, he'll walk free - like he should.

  8. Sounds to me like Spike has earned the title of "racist".

  9. Just more of that little man syndrome from Spike...yep hes a moron!!!! You see him at a basketball game and he look "mental" baby thug...LOL

  10. I would hope if they do charge this officer with a crime, police will stand down and let civil justice take it's course as there will be some people ready to go to war against the black thugs and the liberal plantation masters that control them.

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I don't believe the officer beat himself in the face. Would I take his word over the criminal witness friend? Yes.

    August 21, 2014 at 9:52 PM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    With more and more evidence coming out in FAVOR of "the officer"... Like, I don't know, eye witness support -

    how many altercations do you know that would have TWELVE eye witnesses to back up the officers view?

    A VIDEO with audio backing up "the officer"?

    A broken eye socket in an altercation that had the "gentle giant" put his hands up?

    "Innocent teens" that just got done "strong arm" shoplifting not ten minutes prior?

    If "the officer" gets charged, he'll walk free - like he should.

    August 21, 2014 at 9:56 PM

    That is not true. Wilson did go to the hospital, he had x-rays taken, but no fracture.

    Ferguson kops are really bringing most of these problems on themselves by not being forthcoming with the facts, and now lying.

    I have yet to see a picture of a swollen face or an incident report. And then there is the county prosecutor who will not recluse himself from this case.

    His father was killed by black men and he has close ties to kops. Sound fair?

  12. Anonymous said...
    I would hope if they do charge this officer with a crime, police will stand down and let civil justice take it's course as there will be some people ready to go to war against the black thugs and the liberal plantation masters that control them.

    August 22, 2014 at 12:22 AM

    Words well spoken. Lock and load my friend, lock and load.

  13. Don't forget Eric Holder and the DOJ didn't want them to release the videos of that little black boy and the strong armed robbery.

  14. I don't think the police officer hit himself in the face or assaulted the store employee or stole or refused to stop obstructing traffic. If you want to riot about an innocent person, find one.

  15. Spike Lee is a flippin idiot and a racist just like loud mouth Al Sharpton.

  16. If a race war were to happen Hispanics and Asian's would side with White's and Blacks would be gone from America.

  17. Spike is owned by the media elites who want the race war

    He is doing exactly what he is instructed to do

  18. As despicable as Spike Lee is, he is right. This Race War has been brewing for years. White people are tired of footing the bill for these lazy bums. It is a proven fact, that just 1% of the 11% of African-Americans living here actually contribute to the betterment of American society. They are not the inventors, the geniuses, or great leaders. They are the leaches, continually asking for more and more handouts. The Democrats have made them this way to garner votes.

  19. He is called Spike because he is as dumb as a nail.

  20. racism is alive and well in America.

  21. I agree with 8:59
    In general they don't get along with any race including themselves.

  22. I believe other police officers did this to cover up his action. Police officers are the true criminals in this country. I've never trusted the police.

  23. Then we wonder why race relation is failing.


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