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Sunday, August 24, 2014

DNC Chair: Martin O’Malley Right On Border Kids’ ‘Certain Death’

Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz also thinks deporting children detained at the border is sending them back to “certain death.”

The White House went apoplectic last month when likely 2016 presidential candidate Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley said, “We are not a country that should turn children away and send them back to certain death.” Tuesday night, Wasserman Schultz said twice — strongly — that she thinks O’Malley was right.

“As you know, Gov. O’Malley said that to send them back would be to send them to certain death. Do you agree with him?”Fusion’s Jorge Ramos asked in an interview.



  1. And keeping them here is certain death... for taxpayers. Oh yeah, O'Malley doesn't care about us! I really wish the country, states, cities and counties had to operate in the black or green, like small and large business'. If a small business claims loss for X amount of time, they come in with the IRS goons... where is their audit to show how ridiculous their spending is?

  2. Perhaps Mr. O'Malley would like to volunteer to support them.

  3. Perhaps Gov. O'Malley would like to volunteer to financially support them.

  4. Send em back this flood of illegsls is a setup funded by the drug cartels and terroists..

  5. Will we EVER be rid of this stupid clown??

  6. Like all progressives they love spending other peoples money.

  7. Oh, Debbie. Charity begins at home -- your home. Set a good example in more than rhetoric, will you?

  8. Two idiots that think that money is free, but us taxpayers will suffer. Well, O'Malley take a dozen of them home with you and you pay for them!

  9. Maybe we should ask Israel for permission to stop killing Muslems long enough to kill a few Hispanics?

    We Americans are excellent at killing you know.

  10. May God help America if he gets any leadership position...

  11. Why is Mexico not helping? Most kids pass through the whole country to get here. Mexico needs to control it's southern borders better. If they get to our borders they should be turned away and given to Mexico to deal with since they allowed it to happen.

  12. Were you not aware that Ob' and the Pres. of Mexico have an "agreement"??

  13. 5:00
    This problem was orchestrated by the Obama regime.
    4 years ago there were articles in the news about how the Obama regime state dept. was advertising in Latin America. The radio and print adverts
    described what "opportunities" (social welfare, housing subsidies, foodstamps) were available and specifically gave instructions for how to apply for said "benefits".
    This situation was deliberately CAUSED by DEMOCRATS as a hot button issue while farther depleting American resources for illegal aliens.


  14. Got news for both of the dimbulb donkeycrats - we all face certain death - when and how is the uncertainty.

    We need to continue to welcome immigrants who have complied with our laws and procedures. The rest will have an incentive to sign up at our embassy or consulate in their home country and wait their turn for consideration.

  15. Let's deport Wasserman Schitz and O'Malley back with the "kids" and see if certain death will happen. That will be the litmus test.

  16. Deporting them would be "Certain Death?" If they didn't die getting hear I am pretty sure they wouldn't die going back.

  17. Anonymous said...
    And keeping them here is certain death... for taxpayers. Oh yeah, O'Malley doesn't care about us! I really wish the country, states, cities and counties had to operate in the black or green, like small and large business'. If a small business claims loss for X amount of time, they come in with the IRS goons... where is their audit to show how ridiculous their spending is?

    August 21, 2014 at 4:42 PM


  18. Wasserman Schitz LMBO

  19. Anonymous said...
    Maybe we should ask Israel for permission to stop killing Muslems long enough to kill a few Hispanics?

    We Americans are excellent at killing you know.

    August 21, 2014 at 6:12 PM

    Stupid comment from a soft hearted liberal who can't even spell the right religion.

  20. Anonymous said...

    Got news for both of the dimbulb donkeycrats - we all face certain death - when and how is the uncertainty.

    We need to continue to welcome immigrants who have complied with our laws and procedures. The rest will have an incentive to sign up at our embassy or consulate in their home country and wait their turn for consideration.

    August 21, 2014 at 11:54 PM

    I disagree with you! We need to stop taking in immigrants. They come here to get rich and it is costing us. The Muslims are coming here to take over our country. Most other foreigners are coming here to get a free education in our colleges and Medical schools. Many are running up credit cards in multiple names and it is cost us, the honest tax payers and consumers.

  21. Wasserman Schitz and O'Malley


  22. What pray do either of them know about what awaits them following deportation?

  23. Let's send them both with the kids!

  24. 7:38 If they are going through the proper procedures, what is wrong wit someone coming here to get rich? We need more go-getters, and goal minded people, because the population isn't spitting them out here. Especially in this area... kids coming in to apply with ZERO communication skills due to gaming and internet, ZERO social skills, due to locking themselves in their rooms to do the above, ZERO dress/clothing knowledge, due to a sheltered life filled with anime, COD, etc. Parents here are lazy, and add ZERO work ethic and preparedness to their children. It's a shame.

    And, this isn't a "back in my day" post, as I'm only 35, I just happen to want more, and will retire by 40. It would be nice to pass that on to others, but where are they? I'd gladly share what I know with an immigrant, if they put in the time... that's why America was created. Granted, it's gone to s%#t the past 10-20 years. (It's not just Obama's fault, this train has been rolling for a long time).


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