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Friday, August 29, 2014

Rand Paul: Obama's Executive Actions Circumvent Democracy

President Barack Obama is "going around democracy" with his continued use of executive actions, says Sen. Rand Paul.

Obama's latest threat to bypass Congress concerns an international agreement on tackling climate change. The administration says it is looking to enforce an old treaty combined with using peer pressure to shame countries into complying with carbon emission reductions.

Such action, the White House argues, does not require the two-thirds Senate approval that an official treaty would.

"Not only is it an abuse of power, I think it almost leads us to a constitutional crisis of sorts," Paul, a Kentucky Republican, said Wednesday on Fox News Channel's "On the Record with Greta Van Susteren."



  1. Rand, I find it increasingly irritating that the word, "Republic" is missing and replaced with the word "Democracy". P[ease correct this deficiency, or lose my vote.

  2. After seeing Obama's total misuse of executive orders I am of the mind that this Presidential power needs curtailing. I don't know how the executive order scenario fits within the Constitution or the Executive branch of our gov't but, it needs to be changed, for this pos unAmerican traitor has shown us exactly how it can be used to become a dictator within our republic.


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