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Friday, August 29, 2014

145 Immigration Activists Arrested In Front of W.H.

More than 140 immigration activists were arrested in front of the White House on Thursday as they loudly protested President Barack Obama over deportations of undocumented immigrants.

The scores of arrests, which come as Obama is preparing to unveil changes to his deportation and immigration policies, amounted to one of the largest shows of civil disobedience at the White House over immigration.

“Today, on this national day to fight for families, we call on President Obama to do everything in his power to enact humane and compassionate administrative relief that will end our suffering,” said Gustavo Torres, executive director of CASA de Maryland, a Latino advocacy group that organized Thursday’s demonstration.



  1. If they are not of this country, then they need to be shipped back to their own country. It's as simple as that.

    Unless they have legally applied for citizenship, which is OK.

    We do have laws.

  2. 7:59PM
    Yes, we do have laws.., antiquated laws that were enacted when America wanted 'working' immigrants. The problem is, we don't want immigrants that we have to support or who murder true Americans or organize gangs or tell their teacher, "We're not American we're Mexican and the United States stole this land from Mexico." No, we have no place for this type of immigrant. The laws we have are wrong and need to be changed to reflect today's world.

  3. Ginn, you ought to read our "Antiquated" laws one more time. A Mexican stating those words would be denied citizenship under current law and be sent back home.

    Speaking of reading, have you read the proposed "Reform" law yet? It will make your stomach churn if any part of you believes in the Constitution.


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