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Sunday, August 10, 2014

OC Employee Gave Ride To Girls With Alcohol During Bridge Ordeal

OCEAN CITY — An unidentified Ocean City employee has been disciplined for a clear lack of good judgment after providing a ride to private citizens carrying unopened alcohol in a town ambulance during last month’s Route 50 Bridge breakdown.

Around 3 p.m. on, July 26, the Route 50 bridge was stuck in the open position following a routine, scheduled open-closure during peak travel time on a busy Saturday afternoon. The bridge remained stuck in the open position for about five hours, causing gridlock throughout the resort and outward along Route 50, Route 90, Route 589 and Route 54 and into Lower Sussex County.

During the heightened response time for Ocean City emergency responders, a town employee on an ambulance allowed two female individuals to ride in a city emergency vehicle while they were carrying alcohol, in what was at worst an egregious violation and at best a temporary lapse in judgment. Ocean City officials recently learned of the incident after receiving a complaint from a witness.



  1. Im sure they were hot

  2. More waste. Keep it piling up.

  3. He has been identified and is (was) running for Office in county

  4. Lets see if I have this right. Democrat, union president, stops on the side of the road to offer a ride to bikini clad young ladies, against the advice of his crew, while in a fire truck on duty, yep, lets all vote Maykrantz!!!!!!

  5. The only thing that is a surprise here, is it took this long to come out. Everyone knew who it was, and it's no surprise

  6. Why is anyone surprised?


    Go Back

    Case Information


    Case Number: 0205SP000422002Claim Type:DOMESTIC VIOLENCE
    District/Location Codes: 02 / 05Filing Date:06/10/2002Case Status:CLOSED

    Complaint, Judgment, and Related Persons Information

    (Each Complaint, Hearing, Judgment is listed separately, along with each Related Person)

    Complaint Information

    Complaint No: 001Vs:(MAYKRANTZ, MICHAEL S )
    Status Date: 06/11/2002Filing Date:06/10/2002Amount$0Last Activity Date:06/11/2002

    Related Person Information

    Connection to Complaint: DEFENDANT

    Address: 12536 DEER POINT CIRCLE
    City: BERLINState:MDZip Code:21811

    Case History Information

    (Each Event listed for the case is listed below in chronological order)

    Type: INITIAL CASE FILINGComplaint No.:

    Type: Complaint No.:
    Date: Comment:

    Type: COMMENTComplaint No.:001
    Date: 06/10/2002Comment:EX PARTE DISMISSED

    Type: Complaint No.:
    Date: Comment:



  7. Mike has been a complete disgrace to the fire department from day one. The time finally came where no-one was willing to cover him anymore. I know for a fact his two partners have had it, and gave him his due. If the Chief had both balls, he would be fired.

  8. Maykrantz is not representative of this department! His partners clearly told him no, and as his style, he didn't listen, and was dealt a stiff punishment. This is exactly the type of character we need in a County Commissioner.

  9. 1:51 Chief wasn't involved, union cut the deal, get your facts straight. Although, no-one will defend Mike, he's had this coming a LONG time!

  10. Anyone that knows Mike, knows this isn't news. He would, and has, screwed everyone over @ one time or another. Karma

  11. The aggressive politically motivated efforts in the media to personally attack my integrity, and challenge my lifelong commitment to public service, shall not go unanswered. My actions on July 26th during the bridge failure, was to protect two pedestrians walking in traffic on Rt. 50 by removing them from harm’s way. My decision was warranted, necessary, and my duty as a Firefighter/Paramedic without discrimination. My dedication to the citizens of this community, and their safety, will not be suppressed.

    Michael Maykrantz

    1. Did you pick up any of the other 100s of walking citizens or just the 2 hot chicks half drunk. Please elaborate Mr public service hero person.

  12. you made the wrong choice michael. would you have picked up 2 young men who were walking with beer? I seriously doubt it. You can try to justify your actions, but you deserve to be fired.

  13. Maykrantz, really ?????? EVERY ONE knows you! Also, you can't even keep your own story clear. Loser

  14. There are at last count 6 or 7 Facebook pages discussing this, and not one single REPUTABLE current career or volunteer member has defended mike, absence speaks volume. Where are the city employees that know Mike's personnel record. This is Michael, a shallow individual that only looks out for one thing. Himself!

  15. Maykrantz set the division back 20 years when he was the Union president. He was all about greed and corruption that we all paid for. Thank god a change was made, let's continue to rally with Ryan and show the public just how professional we are.

  16. Your integrity!!!!!! I just started with OC and I haven't met one single person that hasn't said you don't know the meaning. Heck, I'd still vote for you, but I voted for Obama.

  17. I am a current 20+ year member of the Department, and I dare you challenge me to say one positive word! Well, I'm thinking

  18. First rule when you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. Take the advice Krantz.

  19. One thing I have always noticed about this media is that it is almost always on-point. About 99.9% of the time. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck.

    I'll leave it to his fellow team members at the fire department to back him up.

  20. I'll get his back alright. Just like he cut my throat on several occasions. Carma man.

  21. As my father used to always say;

    "One is judged by the company they keep".

    Giving rides to inebriated girls - isn't good company.

  22. Where's the brotherly love, oh, Maykrantz gave that away, to everyone else's wife!

  23. Sounds as though there is a dead skunk in the middle of the road to me.

    I would hope that the citizens of Worcester would be a little more discerning in the selection of their officials.

  24. Mike has always been in a hole, it just finally caught up with him. I felt sorry for him until his bugus lie in his rebuttal, Mike, your busted now.

  25. I love the part in his big interview "well, they weren't termindiously hot", and "I was just looking out for their safety". Mike, your halfway to being a politician, but you've never been a public servant.

  26. To even think the people of Worcester County can't see through this self serving, union supporting, womanizer is a disgrace.

  27. Mike,
    Tell the story about the transvestite hooker you got oral sex from at a PG County firehouse back in the day. You used to love telling that story until everyone told you it was a guy...

  28. Carma man.

    August 8, 2014 at 6:52 PM

    product of union teachers

  29. Yep, his dad was a strong union entitlement Democratic, but didn't fall far from the tree.

  30. I can't get over the FEW that defend him, well if you take anyone named azadi out, couple burnt out fireman or cops, only one left is Mike in damage control. Not since Marion Barry has there been such a loser.

  31. 11:15, now there's a flashback, even his old "friends" are coming forward. Saw at least one close friend from BFV that lives near the bay bridge post a few warm thoughts. Mike, everything here is true, did you not think it wasn't coming out?

  32. "Anonymous said...
    Yep, his dad was a strong union entitlement Democratic, but didn't fall far from the tree.

    August 10, 2014 at 9:39 AM"

    This is going to be the problem. Anymore West Ocean City is full of retired PA union people who can and will vote. That's all Mystic Harbor is and that's a big voting block. The only hope is to convince these people that Maykrantz is bad for their pocketbooks.

  33. Guess Mike will call in sick tomorrow lol.

  34. Maykrantz has screwed every full time coworker and officer, all the way to the chief. He has left the IAFF no trust or relationship with anyone. This is pure and simple karma.

  35. 10:19 is absolutely correct and one of the few intelligent comments on this subject.
    Jim Mathias won due only to Worcester county. He lost in both Somerset and Wicomico.
    The whole demographics of Worcester county esp the Berlin/OC/West OC/Ocean Pines area has changed. One generation ago the voters were predominately "born here's" as were their parents and grandparents. Mostly business owners.
    It is now predominately retiring transplants who contrary to what most people think are pro union.
    You people need to stop being so smug because you are not only going to lose the election for Bud Church but all of the GOP candidates. Now grow the hell up and start commenting intelligently on the issues!

  36. You go to the pools at both Mystic Harbor and Oyster Harbor and whereas it did use to be young families it is now retirees.
    So many from the Pittsburg area.

  37. I work with this degrace tomorrow (different unit) I can't wait to hear more of his spin. I hope we get a few minutes to cruise around and give a few rides, after all, far more ped accidents in town. As always, a few make the rest of us look bad.

    1. I worked with Mike on his last shift, just wait until you hear what he's asking the union to do. Ryan, listen up, your judged by your decisions on what's best for the local, not one person that's had this coming for a long time.

  38. I see we still don't have one reputable aqaintance of Mike taking up for him. What's that say folks? It says Kat's got their tongues and no-one except those in the but house will have anything to do with his fabricated story. Mike, recant while you can, admit it was a bad choice, however you meant no harm, and move on. You'll be a better man.

  39. What could it be 8:10? Retaining the services of an attorney for him so he can challenge the suspension maybe?

    1. Better than that. This is what they raised our dues for?

    2. I tried until Mike quit to get a breakdown on the vote to raise dues, he refused. Another botched bright idea we have to pay for. Put it to another vote, this time show who votes, what's to hide.

    3. This will make him a great commissioner, what's the problem?

  40. His friends are supporting him! Go to the Citizens for MM page on facebook. He has support from Bryon Trimble, Dawn Epperson and Raymond Redden. All fine people. Bryon was demoted in OCFD twice and had to resign as Chief in Berlin FD due to harassment, Dawn fired from OCFD and Raymond-well..... MMaykrantz didn't get what he deserved-he still has a job.

    1. Speaks volume, don't forget kendra wife of only paramedic to sleep through 2 calls, then grieve it! See where he is.

  41. But wait, Trimble is a chief again in Berlin, interesting all by its self.

    1. Ooook, speaks volumes about Berlin also.

  42. Word today is Maykrantz has directed all the attention to whoever leaked this to the press. Typical Democrat, it's always who else is to blame. God I hope he files a grievance so maybe they will revisit his punishment, and fire his rear end. They have had him before, and somehow he always slipped through. If the Union even tries to stick up for him, I will resign, and others have promised to follow.

  43. 3:57 your speaking for most of us. Listen up RW

  44. Been quiet around, not even a mouse, maybe this taught everyone a little lesson.

  45. Oh, the union is still sniffing for a crumb to fight over. Called for a double secret meeting, just no-one showed up.


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