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Sunday, August 03, 2014

Obama thanks Muslims for 'building the very fabric of our nation'

President Obama and his wife sent out a joint statement to Muslims in America for the Eid-al-Fitr holiday, thanking them for their contributions in “building the fabric” of the country.

The statement, as posted on the White House website, reads in part: “As Muslims throughout the United States and around the world celebrate Eid-al-Fitr, Michelle and I extend our warmest wishes to them and their families. … [The holiday] celebrates the common values that unite us in our humanity and reinforces the obligations that people of all faiths have to each other, especially those impacted by poverty, conflict and disease.”



  1. Can anyone tell me what Muslim did anything that stands out for the betterment of America?

  2. Get off the shore for a day and you'll realize that there are plenty of muslims out here working hard every day in pursuit of the american dream and to support their families. Plenty of muslims at our research institutions contributing to biotech., engineering, and other scientific advancements. Quite a few in the military serving proudly. And quite a few starting businesses and creating jobs. Nothing at all controversial or inaccurate about the Pres. comments.

  3. 11:28 You forgot to mention one thing. Obama is a liar.

  4. anon 11:28

    lets not forget the Muslims that flew airplanes into the world trade center, pentagon, and the attempt on the white house. and i'm sure that there are more Muslims in this country RIGHT NOW that are "posing" as hard-working, american, family-type people that are scheming to do "ill will" against us infidels. so why don't YOU get off the shore... PERIOD!

  5. 11:37 AM, Thank you.

  6. There's a Mosque on Jersey road.

  7. yup and all those idiots blacks that want to be accepted as muslims ought to do their homework and look at how the arab muslims treat the black muslims of north africa! nuf said!

  8. 11:28 You are just plain stupid! Name me one Muslim that stands out in contributing to our society.

  9. This proves where his heart is.


  10. Get off the shore for a day and you'll realize that there are plenty of muslims out here working hard every day in pursuit of the american dream and to support their families. Plenty of muslims at our research institutions contributing to biotech., engineering, and other scientific advancements. Quite a few in the military serving proudly. And quite a few starting businesses and creating jobs. Nothing at all controversial or inaccurate about the Pres. comments.

    July 30, 2014 at 11:28 AM

  11. Anonymous said...
    anon 11:28

    lets not forget the Muslims that flew airplanes into the world trade center, pentagon, and the attempt on the white house. and i'm sure that there are more Muslims in this country RIGHT NOW that are "posing" as hard-working, american, family-type people that are scheming to do "ill will" against us infidels. so why don't YOU get off the shore... PERIOD!

    July 30, 2014 at 11:37 AM


  12. Anonymous said...
    There's a Mosque on Jersey road.

    July 30, 2014 at 12:41 PM

    Bull doze it. I went there one time and I was treated like a second class citizen. They were very paranoid and didn't want me there.

    They are not welcomed in this country.

  13. Anonymous said...
    This proves where his heart is.

    July 30, 2014 at 3:31 PM

    You are correct.

  14. Anonymous said...
    There's a Mosque on Jersey road.

    July 30, 2014 at 12:41 PM

    Strategically placed there so they can easily recruit blacks who many are trying to live the life of a Muslim. The convert them in jail so when they get out of ECI they have a place to worship and attack the white man.

  15. They seem to be very good at running convenience store. Not much beyond that.

  16. I read an article the other day that made perfect sense. Obama was voted into office because of the color of his skin. He has NOT helped the AA community at all. He has aligned himself with the arabs. Everything he has done had been to help them. He is trying to bankrupt this country. He is not in the least bit trying to help those illegals it just allows the terrorists to get into the country while bankrupting us paying for all the illegals.

  17. If they have been such a help to this country why don't they go back to their own country and help build them up. Name one Muslim country where Christians and Jews can worshiop freely. Show me a Catholic church in Saudi. You can't even take a bible into that country. They leave their country and come here because they can get free stuff. Education, food, housing etc etc. Their religion is growing faster than any other religion. Why? One they breed faster and 2 they are going into prisons and getting people to conver there. The Egyptians are well known for finding some unattractive female usually with self esteem issues and flooding her with attention so she will marry him. After 5 years he leaves her high and dry. If they have kids he will take them back to his home country and there is NOTHING she can do about it. How many gas stations have been caught sending money to terrorists? How many have been caught not paying taxes. So while they are paying no taxes for that business they also get welfare, food stamps and all the government benefits....and after it is time for them to start to pay taxes.....they transfer the business into another family members name. Our government has made it so it is easier for illegals and foreigner to get ahead than Americans whose family has been in this country since the beginning. THEY are the ones that are the fabric of this country not the religion of hate muslims.

  18. I never read anything in my American History books about our founding fathers being Muslims.

    Maybe they have rewritten the books since then?

  19. I was surprised to see the Muslim church members standing around the parking lot after services. The surprise was the degree of money in that parking lot. Beautiful,expensive, classy automobiles with owners in well dressed business attire. I didn't realize that there were so many progressive wealthy Muslims in this area. It was enlightening.

  20. Remember when the Muslims came over on the Mayflower?

  21. "If" they are Radical Muslims---they
    believe in their Bible----which
    tells them----unless one accepts
    "Allah" to worship---they must
    be killed!!!

    Look at what is happening in this
    Country people ------There will soon be No America---they are
    slowly moving in for the kill!!


  22. OweBama has been totally constipated since January 2009. Draw your own conclusions about his statements!

  23. We must do everything possible to stop the spread of this evil promoted by our Muslim president. One only has to look at he countries controlled by this filth to see what the results will be.

  24. 109, Col. Douglas Burpee

  25. Took a long time to find one, apparently, huh, 4:16?


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