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Sunday, August 03, 2014

JUST IN: Jury Reaches Verdict In Road Rage Murder Trial: Not Guilty On All Charges

A jury in the trial of a New Jersey detective charged with murder in the slaying of a driver during an alleged road-rage incident has reached a verdict: not guilty on all charged.

Derek Valcourt has the latest.

Forty-one-year-old Joseph Walker, an investigator for the Hudson County, New Jersey, prosecutor’s office, has been cleared of first-degree murder in the death of 36-year-old Joseph Harvey of Landsdowne.

It was June 8, 2013, when Walker, his wife and kids in their minivan were cut off by a car driven by Anne Arundel County native Joe Harvey and one of his friends. A racial slur-filled road rage episode followed for more than a mile. When it was over, Harvey lay dead on the side of the highway, shot three times.



  1. WOW. How the hell did that happen?

  2. The prosecutor's mistake. Shouldn't have gone for 1st degree.

  3. Excellent decision.

  4. I wonder if this was just another citizen how hard the AG wound have come down on him. Helps to be connected to the system!

  5. Anonymous said...
    Excellent decision.

    July 30, 2014 at 12:39 PM

    Dumb ass!

  6. Given that the AG went for 1st degree murder it was a good decision. If they had gone for a lesser charge maybe they would have convicted. The fact that this went on for miles goes to show you that the out of his jurisdiction officer has an anger issue of his own. If he was so worried about his family he would have let this go and driven on his way. But he did not. He chose to pull over.

    Now how does an out of state pig carry a gun into out liberal paradise? OHHH YEAH the law doesn't apply to the enforcer class.

  7. For the last 5 years or so juries in high profile cases have been getting it right.This is no exception.

  8. Im sorry but I just don't believe that if you are shot in the leg you keep coming at someone! They should lock this dirtbag up for a few years. Just another cop that has killed someone.

  9. 3:43-Tell a cop that who has dealt with someone on PCP.I realize that is not the case here,but people absolutely have been known to keep coming at someone even after being shot multiple times.

  10. Anonymous said...
    Im sorry but I just don't believe that if you are shot in the leg you keep coming at someone! They should lock this dirtbag up for a few years. Just another cop that has killed someone.

    July 30, 2014 at 3:43 PM

    He wasn't a real cop.

  11. The victim was white and the fake cop was black. When are you softies going to learn?

  12. This should have been Murder II. I'm sure the prosecutor went for I as a way to protect their image and the cop.

    Remember folks - these are the people you're sending your kids to when there's an emergency.

  13. if this would have happened to any other citizen they would have been charged with murder since Maryland does not Abide by the 2nd amendment..so why is it that scumbag cops are afforded second Amendment protection but the average Joe Blow is not...POOR JOE would in jail and locked up for good on the weapons charge alone

  14. hopefully, justice will still be served on him


  15. If he was only charged with 1st and no lesser counts then his 'buddies' on the prosecution were stacking the deck against themselves.

  16. So if he didn't shoot him, who did? How can he be exonerated?

  17. he didn't kill the guy, the gun did it! glad the jury recognized this fact and let this poor sob go!

  18. If it was a white cop he would have been convicted.

  19. A regular citizen would be facing 25-Life. The State's Attorney would have told the regular citizen that he had NO RIGHT WHATSOEVER to pull over and not only pull his weapon, but kill a citizen over a traffic incident.
    He could have just continued driving or called 911.
    THAT'S what "We the people" would have been told. And then be sent off to PRISON.
    But we don't have a "I can do whatever I want" badge.
    And police want respect?? Getting away with murder ain't helping their cause....
    Think of what would have been done to Harvey if HE pulled HIS gun and blew that cop away....
    I don't think "exonerated" or "not guilty" would have even been mentioned as a possibility....more like "Harvey plea bargained his case down to manslaughter and accepted a 10 year prison sentence" to avoid putting his family through the ordeal of publicity, mounting legal costs, and bankruptcy.
    Keep cheering.

  20. Large number of morons that think as long as it's done by authority it's all right. That's why we call them sheeple.


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