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Sunday, August 24, 2014

Now protests start IN FAVOR of shooter cop

More than a hundred turn out in rally supporting Darren Wilson after he skips town to avoid violent reprisals

Supporters of the St Louis policeman who killed a black teenager have rallied in the city in the first public show of support for the officer.

At the rally, attended by around 150 people, protesters walked around wearing specially printed T-shirts which were sold for $7 with a police shield on which was the words: ‘I stand by Darren Wilson’.

Instead of a badge number it read 8.9.14 - the day he killed 18-year-old Michael Brown.

Two Facebook pages in support of Wilson, 28, have also sprung up with a combined total of 35,000 likes.



  1. Definitely, very good to see.

  2. I'll bet they don't riot.

  3. Wonder why they aren't looting.

  4. Now they're getting somewhere.Great news

  5. Happy to see this!

  6. Like the Rodney King cops, Officer Wilson will end up in prison for his use of force in self defense. There has been no trial, or release of any facts, but the black lynch mobs will demand it in return for an end to their riots, lawlessness, and looting. The hell with justice, the lynch mobs want revenge. And the Obama administration will give it to them.

  7. End this saga. PERIOD. Put an end to all of this.

  8. 10:53 Rodney King was beaten. I have been a cop for 25 years that was bullshit. This looks like a good shoot in Ferguson. Apples and Oranges my friend. King was used as human Pinyata. Any cop who beats a suspect in cuffs is a Vagina.

  9. 10:53 You may (or may not) be a cop, but you aren't in command of the facts concerning Rodney King. I can't believe that you ever watched the video of the Rodney King beating. Like many cops, you're just making up the facts to suit your opinion. Mr. King was never in cuffs during the beating. He was resisting arrest, and would not obey commands to stay down, and, ironically, to allow the cuffs to be put on him. I'm not your friend....

  10. King WAS NOT in cuffs during the beating. He was resisting arrest. The cops were acquitted at criminal trial. But, after all the riots as a result of the trial results, the feds stepped in and charged the cops with civil rights violations. The cops were charged and tried twice. It was the feds that put them in prison. The similarities starting out in the two cases are striking. Although Officer Wilson may be exonerated in a criminal trial, the feds are going to see that he goes to prison to quell the civil unrest.

  11. Well I, like all of you, have no idea what really happened. However, his the autopsy shows the bullets entered through the back of is head, which to me means, his back was turned toward the cop.

    After seeing the surveillance of him taking the cigars, he's aggressive, so more than likely he did come at the officer.

    But if someone is first assaulting an officer then gives in and puts their hands up, is he still in fear of his life and have the right to kill him? I don't know.

    1. Nothing entered the back of his head. Stop spouting off when you have the facts wrong. Ignorance of the situation causes people jumping to conclusions. Many of the"witnesses " have already Ben proven to be lying.

  12. Have white people ever been engaged in a riot? Ever?

    Well, except for when some white people showed up in support of Martin Luther King Jr.

  13. "Have white people ever been engaged in a riot? Ever?" Ferguson is not exclusively a black show. There is an ample amount of white trash involved in the violence as well.


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