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Sunday, August 31, 2014

Moment of silence at 10:00am on August 25th, Monday,in memory of Michael Brown

Micheal Brown, the unarmed 18 year old African American young man whose life was cut short on August 9, 2014 at the hands of a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri.

Michael Brown's funeral will be held on Monday, August 25th at 10:00 AM Central Daylight time.

The Maryland State Conference of NAACP, its 24 branches, Youth and College Division and supporting organizations ask all NAACP members, family, friends and the general community in Maryland to stop wherever they are and join the NAACP at 10:00 AM in a moment of silence.

Mary Ashanti
Wicomico County NAACP


  1. I'll turn my radio up louder!

  2. Please dear God dont let them do this bs in our schools.

  3. With all due respect for the fact that he is a deceased human being - we should not be glorifying criminal activity!

    No, he was not convicted - but the evidence would have been sufficient to convince a jury that he had strong-armed the cigars earlier....

  4. What is this world coming to? When thugs are glorified and cops are villified.

    To the bigger picture. When the jihadis come to our country and start killing us, you will be begging for police protection.

  5. I'll hold my moment of silence for the only victim in this case, the officer.

  6. We are supposed to have a moment of silence for this piece of trash I do not think so
    One more scumbag eliminated

  7. will you be holding moments of silence for ALL the people killed by blacks too? its only fair, right?

    theres going to be an awfully long silence coming up...

  8. What a disgrace these people are. We've had at least 12 teenagers shot/murdered in our own state and 3 very young children, all black on black crime recently and these people have the nerve to offer a moment of silence for a useless piece of crap?
    OH the evilness and the sleaze that lurks among us disguised as a civil rights organization.
    I am going to have a moment of silence but I will be thanking God for sparing the world of any more of Brown terrorizing the town of Fergusonl

  9. It's a shame what people post anonymous own what you say man up

  10. Sorry but he does not deserve a moment of my silence. I don't do thieves and thugs. I'm better than that.

  11. I never hear much from the shooting where a black officer killed a white guy, did you?

  12. Who cares what people post 9:36! It's the nature of a blog so deal with it. Besides what kind of fool would come around complaining about ANON comments then not be man enough to post their real name? If you have a brain start using it!

  13. Here's what I want to know from ALL of you parents at the end of the day.

    I want to know if ANY/ALL schools held a moment of silence today?

  14. Glad i slept through it, where. Is the moment of silence for the Knockout game VICTIMS? ??

  15. For all things to hold a moment of silence for they pick this! He is and was a criminal..his career as that just ended early and I absolutely refuse to hold a moment of silence for this young man who made the decision to be a thug...please, and the only moment of silence I'll be holding is the one for the cop involved and how its changed his life and his son's life...

  16. The local black community should be outraged over this. Never a mention when violence occurs locally much less a moment of silence for any of our victims.
    But in this misguided attempt to make themselves feel important jump on this like flies on crap.
    Ashanti needs to immediately fall to her knees and beg God for forgiveness for her evil ways.

  17. What a shame, I missed it. A moment of silence for veterans, contributing members of society, people stricken with incurable diseases. Absolutely. A thug, hell no. Never.

  18. She is evil. Ignore her. Her heart is not in the right place, never was never will be. She's just trying to drum up support for the failing local NAACP by jumping on this bandwagon.
    What the sister really needs to do is look in the mirror objectively. What she will see won't be pretty.

  19. It goes something like this 9:25.
    No agenda to attach to the death, then no moment of silence. Just another day in the hood.

  20. They pulled that moment of silence crap last night at the vmas. What a crock. And the celebrity sheeple did it. Unreal.

  21. Damn I am really begining to dislike certain parts of the country. It is only getting worse every day. Were I younger, and financially able I would be in Austria, Costa Rico, or somewhere. Hate to think what it will be like in the next 5-10 years. Ugh!!!!!

  22. A moment of silence for each murdered person in Chicago... how long would that take?

  23. why is the fact that this THUG committed a strong arm robbery being ignored? Idiots are acting like he pulled a baby out of a burning building instead of committing a crime. Fools...

  24. Are we going to have a moment of silence for the JFK shooter, White and killed in police custody.

  25. Anyone who mourns him is a fool 10:58. Blacks wonder why their neighborhoods are cess pools of crime and poverty.
    When you memorialize and glorify criminals that's what happens.
    You would think it was rocket science or something. The best thing to do is to dismiss them until they wise up because there is absolutely no helping anyone until they decide to help themselves.

  26. Absolutely not!!!

  27. This request by Ms. Ashanti lowers both my opinion and expectations of the local NAACP.
    Waiting until the complete story is out and confirmed would be much more responsible. But, instead, here is some knee-jerk rabble rousing.

  28. This shows every local black person that has lost a family member to violence that the local naacp places no your family members life.
    Shame on you Ashanti and the Wic NAACP.

  29. This is about anything BUT the man who died. His mother wore a SMOKIN RED DRESS to his funeral . Note from white america.... Red is NOT the color of mourning...it is the color you wear to via (beg) for attention from the media. All this garbage, rioting, looting, killing has set the NAACP back 30 years in my opinion. But then I'm white so my opinion (to them) means nothing. BUT if you ask anyone MY age that is white...they will tell you the same thing I will. NO RESPECT

  30. Classless 12:34 just like this ashanti freak.

  31. You are completely out of your mind, Mary. I could go on & on for hours as to why this is not appropriate. I am sad that a young man has died but have to wonder if it was due to a lifetime of bad behavior ie: walking into a person's place of business and strong arming the owner after stealing items in lieu of paying for it. This is condoning this type of criminal activity. Admittedly, there have been shootings by LEOs, both black & white that were not justified but before there is a moment of silence let us determine who deserves it. This is also a showing of disrespect to all the businesses that were set on fire and looted by even more thugs. Maybe we should have a moment of silence for those citizens. thugs like that need to be completely eliminated from society as they will NEVER become contributors in their life time. These animals want what they want, when they want it and consequences be damned. I am so tired of the tail wagging the dog. Even decent AA's should be upset over the fact that el dumbo is sending three representatives to this kid's funeral when none were sent to the highest ranking military officer killed in the mid east. That is a disgraceful action committed to the president of the US. I want a moment of silence for the Deputy and is K-9 Dog, DIOGI,here in Lakeland Fl who were assassinated by one of these animals or the Officer from the Winterhaven Fl agency who was shot in cold blood while performing his duty. It will be a cold day in hell as it should be for everyone of every color, before you will get a moment of silence in this case. I want to know why the NAACP does not ask for such a thing every time one of the bruthers kill another brother. There would be complete silence for a year or more. Move to clean up your own act first. Till then I will continue to talk, listen to music, watch television or anything but maintain a SECOND of silence. I feel terrible as mentioned that this happened & have feelings for his family but that is the extent of caring from this writer.

  32. Are going to get a new holiday too?

  33. Anonymous said...
    Classless 12:34 just like this ashanti freak.

    August 25, 2014 at 2:04 PM

    Huh? Are you saying 12:34 is classless?

  34. Exactly Jack-"Move to clean up you own act first." The problem is that these are mentally ill people, who haven't the guts to take personal responsibility for anything. I could go on and on, but if the truth be told Mary Ashanti and the rest of them aren't deserving nor are they worth my time. Adios-have a great life.....in the ghetto!

  35. 3:00 PM....BRAVO...hats off.

  36. So did schools follow through with this ?????? Please let us know if they did.

  37. No 3:34 agreeing with 12:34 that the mother is classless as is ashanti.

  38. Word has it the "gentle giant" Brown could have been facing a 2nd degree homicide rap as a juvenile! The local authorities are being sued to release the records currently. We'll see.

  39. Ashanti is the reason the black communities are in a shambles.
    She as well as the Wic NAACP have done nothing for the local black communities and is shows.
    The black communities would be best served by showing this inept person the door and get someone in her place who can bring forth and deal with the real issues facing the community. A real leader and not just a follower and a Yes person for whatever the cause du jour happens to be.

  40. How about Ashanti resign and then there will be some silence.

    I wonder if she attended Sharpton's latest rally

  41. I think there are important issues facing blacks but this one is way down on the list.
    How about the local NAACP show some real leadership and guts instead of just being the house slaves for the democrat party and speak out again illegal immigration and amnesty.
    All this is doing is paving the way for more unskilled labours to take the jobs away from black people. The jobs will always remain low paying if their is a steady stream of those willing to work the jobs.
    This is an important issue for the black community you fools in the NAACP. You look like fools allowing yourselves to be dragged around by your noses by the democrat party. Time to get your heads that you've shoved up their butts out and take an important meaningful stand for once.

  42. "Anonymous said...
    Word has it the "gentle giant" Brown could have been facing a 2nd degree homicide rap as a juvenile! The local authorities are being sued to release the records currently. We'll see.

    August 31, 2014 at 9:10 AM"

    And these putrid abominations held a moment of silence for a murderer. There is a place in hell ready and waiting for all of them who are engaging in this the devil's work on earth.

  43. I did not take part in that BS.


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