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Sunday, August 31, 2014

If You're A Parent Of A Student At Beaver Run, YOU SHOULD KNOW!!!

Yesterday there was NO WATER PRESSURE at Beaver Run Elementary so NO ONE can use the bathroom.

TODAY, they have LOW WATER PRESSURE and they are bringing in portable potties and telling Teachers to limit Anyone's use of bathroom facilities. 

If you'll recall, last year they had major issues with the quality of water, (or the lack thereof) and they provided bottled water instead so no one would drink from a fountain.

TODAY the water is "blood orange" and not drinkable. 

Last year they also had serious MOLD issues because they refused to constantly run the A/C units during the summer. Many have said the school was built on similar soil they are currently working with on the new Bennett School in which you are just asking for mold issues.

Nevertheless, PARENTS should be aware of the CONDITIONS in this school and demand it be shut down until they get it up to speed and HEALTHY.


  1. Twenty years ago the roof was leaking at Beaver Run. Do you ever think the BOE would have cleaned up the mold. Heck NO. Shut the darn place down.

  2. Where would they send those kids if they shut it down? Most schools are already maxxed out.

    I say deal with it till they get it fixed, porta potties and bottled water are not the end of the world, matter fact it is still better than most parts of the world.

    1. You can tell you must not have any children or grandchildren. ..DEAL with it...what an ignorant thing to say. Well genius we don't live in OTHER parts of the world...we live in the United States where we pay outrageous taxes so our children don't have to go to school where it's unfit and unsafe. But I have a suggestion for you Mr. Porta Pottie I say we keep our children HOME and have the county provide each one of them a tutor...Bet you they'd get on the ball then and repair or rebuild that dump.

    2. Mold can KILL you when breathed in. Yeah the portable bathrooms and bottled water isnt the end of the world but mold? That kinda is!

  3. I don't have any children in school, but thanks for letting the public know.

  4. Anonymous 2:09....Deal with it? Mold is a serious problem that can lead to serious health problems!! Maybe OSHSA should be called!

  5. 2:09, most board of eds in this country have contingency plans, we apparently don't! From the sounds of your "deal with it" comment I would venture to say you don't have a child at Beaver Run. Or anyone you care about for that matter.

  6. This comment is for anonymous 2:09. Who is going to walk the children out to the porta potties? They are not permitted to leave the building without supervision and there isn't enough staff for the task!

  7. Fredrickson? Is that you? 2:09?

    1. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Not that ANY of this is a laughing matter but that was a cleaver observation!

  8. Shut it down. Mold can be very delibitating for anyone. Porta Potties aren/t exactly the most sanitary and where do these children wash their hands? Frederickson what the devil is the matter with your head - geez.

  9. Do any of you know what a budget is? Of course you don't,but kids can't be taught that all in life is pure,clean,fine and dandy because all is not.Best they learn it early.A little hiccup like this won't hurt a flea.

  10. 3:37: Frederickson is a POLITICIAN for all intents and purposes! The Beaver Run district means NOTHING to him!!!

  11. So I saw that mold was an issue LAST year. Is it an issue this year as well? If so then obviously more serious steps should be taken to ensure that all the kids are safe. But that does leave the question of where will they go?? If we send them to other schools would parents then be complaining over overcrowding and teacher/student ratio? There will always be something for unhappy people to complain about. Seems like a lose-lose situation to me.

  12. 2:58 We need a private firm. OSHA (MOSH) couldn't find the way out of a porta potty. Clueless, and waste of state spending.

  13. There is mold in most wic county schools. I've worked in two now and both are nasty. Can't wait till I can retire. I'm constantly using bleach to clean bit having a hard time keeping up.

  14. The kids are there to learn, Not drink or play with the water. Non flushed toilets will give them experience like being in the military protecting some third world country.

  15. What is wrong with people on this site. Children are in school to learn and be healthy and taken care of. If CPS wouldn't allow me to have a child reside at my residents with mold why would it be accepted in the school system

  16. Neglecting community education is child neglect, grounds for child removal from your homes.
    If the water not good enough for your little darlings send them with designer bottled water. Outhouse/porta pottie's was good enough for our grandparents. Hey they even left school knowing reading, writing and arithmetic.

  17. I am a parent of a child there and I have the utmost respect and trust of the teachers and staff that my child is given the best everyday. I also know that staff had students using the gym bathroom and all precautions were taken. People need to stop overreacting and making a big deal about this. The school board and staff are doing their best. Watwr there is undrinkable because of the land its built on and they always have water coolers available for the students. Back off.

    1. I've worked there and the staff are very respectable! I am happy to see someone stick up for them and they do give every student the best everyday! Thank you!

    2. I am a parent there as well and I will tell you that it is unsanitary. They use the porta potty. Where do they wash their hands? My child is new to the school. We as parents should had been informed instead of me finding out on Facebook.

    3. I am a parent there as well and I will tell you that it is unsanitary. They use the porta potty. Where do they wash their hands? My child is new to the school. We as parents should had been informed instead of me finding out on Facebook.

  18. wheres those BOE credit cards??? lmao

  19. Mold is definitely a problem

  20. Breathing in mold spores is not going to be stopped by even the best teachers and staff. If it's unsafe, how can it be justified?

  21. I am allergic to mold and stopped working there when I was pregnant because I would get horrible migraines daily! Explains a lot.

  22. Instead of bitching and complaining about the issues that plague the school district on the internet why dont you take yourself to the school board meetings and your PTA and get involved!! If you dont like what's happening then the only way to change it is to be involved & VOTE! The midterm elections are coming in Novemeber which is when School Board members are up for election. If you are not happy with them VOTE THEM OUT! It's really easy to sit behind a screen and bitch about problems in your community. Guess what?? Its just as easy to put some actions behind them. And remember in any situation you are either part of the problem or part of the solution. What role do you want to play?

  23. Should investigate the mold issues Joe.... I know it's at at least the 3 city middle schools.

  24. Here is my thought maybe instead of giving James M Bennett 2 new schools they look at other schools in need and do some serious clean up on all the schools with that money . Wicomico CTY schools are in desperate renovations except for JMB high school.

  25. We have all used portable bathrooms as well as drank bottled water. The cost of a lawsuit because a child got sick or god forbid died because of the conditions in the school would cost a hell of a lot more than if they just moved the kids to a different location.

  26. They should've sent the kids hom.

  27. Maybe the ones doing all the spending on the b.o.e. c.c. should go eat there taxpayer paid for hi-end coffee and food there. and have to wash there hands in the water.It is not a "AT RISK" school so it gets none of the liberals attention because it does not qualify for something free from the state or the feds.

  28. They should have taken care of this problem over the summer. They are small children they have to use the bathroom. Im not gonna run clothes to school bc my child can not use the bathroom. Thats bs. Get portables as much as we pay in taxes they should provi de them until the problem is fixed. I dont want my child or anyone's child sick for that matter.

  29. All this talk of mold and water is killing me. Nobody has even mentioned or knows about the raw sewage problem they had last year!!! The students were made to walk around it!

  30. Well they won't get any new water until the city takes it to them. That I know.

  31. My child went there 3 years ago and the school had the same issues then. I sent her with several bottles of water and sanitizer. She also has an immune disorder and she was/is just fine! Yes, things should be fixed but we also need to stop spoon feeding our kids and acting like they should never experience hardships throughout their lives.

  32. I guess if there isn't any water there won't be any mold.

  33. I don't know anyone at that school but I believe children's health & safety should come first...We had black mold in our trailer and it really affected my breathing...thank goodness I was able to get away from it...
    on the safety side I believe that an escort should have to go to port-a-potties with children...then on other hand is that person trustworthy....

  34. Facilities is doing their best to resolve all of these issues since the last school year ended. Alot of the schools in the county are old and need massive repair or replacement. They all cannot be done at once. Community volunteerism, patience, and understanding would be a great start to help these people and the school system instead of ridicule and guessing. Ask the school what you can do to help and I'm sure it will go a long way.

  35. LOL the BOE cant afford to fix anything, they spent their money on food....

  36. Its amazing what regulations the state has for daycare facilities. They would shut them down if all they had was porta potties, but its ok for the schools, right?

  37. If a child was in a home with no running water and no working toilet the state would take the child out of the home and away from the parents saying the parents and the home were not fit so how is it OK for a child to go to a school that is unfit and unsafe I would never send my child there

  38. As a parent of current and past Beaver Run students, I have always been disgusted at the conditions. But the teachers and office are doing what they can and I have seen them doing so much at there school. A few years ago, the school lost power and phones and electricity. But the school day still continued. With lighted materials an flash lights. Porter potties were brought in and the kids had to stand on things so they could reach the toilets in the porter potties. As a parent who works 2 jobs i can not do much more than stay in contact with this school and the board of educaton to hope my child is in the best of hands. And the kids didnot walk around the sewage but walked over it on mats. I do not know wha tI am supposed to do!!!! I feel that because they are young kids that the state or county or who ever does not really care! Its not like its high school or any thing where tests scores matter.

  39. And I imagine the staff there is scared for their jobs 11:19! I couldn't imagine working in conditions as such and would definitely voice my concern! I hope there aren't any expecting mothers among the staff.

  40. RAW SEWAGE? How much more disgusting can things get? News flash folks, if you can smell an odor you're ingesting whatever substance the odor is coming from!

  41. The teachers filed complaints last year about the mold in classrooms and a serious rodent infestation. The water is undrinkable, but everyone must wash their hands with it and they cook and clean with it in the cafeteria. They were unable to use the bathrooms last year as well. Nothing will happen until parents go to the BOE meetings and complain loudly at every meeting.

  42. 7:52 What will the PTA do? All they are is a school version of "The Real Housewives of..."

  43. How many of you disturbed here about Beaver Run & was against building a new Bennett Middle? Our county needs to replace several schools. Are you up for advocating for that to the Board of Ed?

  44. I know it's crazy but when I went to school we had espestice and no air condition.It's a wonder any of us survived.

  45. There would be more money for things like this if we stopped hiring folks at the central office. How many coordinators, managers and directors can one system support? Maybe some of the full time positions need to be made contractual, like analyzing policies and doing communications.

  46. One more thing ,,how do you use handsanitizer after using the bathroom,,really?!!!

    1. You just apply it to your hands 8:36. And if the child was taught how to wipe right or didn't have the runs then poop the shouldn't be smeared around by the hand sanitizer.

  47. They don't need city water, they need a new well. How hard is it to call Somerset Drilling and have a new well dug? It's not rocket science it's water. Not everyone has city, fluoridated, chlorinated water.

    Dig the danged well and be done with all this nonsense.

  48. And further more... If its this serious that were having a discussion abt it lets do something abt it.

  49. Brown, not flowing faucet water and clogged drain field as well?

    That's a condemned building in my book.

    Oh, I forgot to add...



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