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Friday, August 29, 2014

Mayor: Adult Illegal Aliens With 'Graying' Hair Enrolled in Public Schools

The mayor of Lynn, Mass. says that some of the illegal aliens from Guatemala who are enrolled in her city’s public schools are adults with graying hair and “more wrinkles than I have.”

“They are not all children,” Judith Flanagan Kennedy told reporters at a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday.

“One of the things that we did notice when we were processing some of these students coming in was that they were adults,” she said.

She added that the federal government will not allow school officials to verify their ages, even though one of the students turned out to be 35 years old.



  1. I wish that would happen in my kids school.

  2. The Obama regime is completely responsible for this travesty of justice, of sovereignty of our nation.
    He is deliberately doing EVERYTHING within his power to destroy the very fabric of decency in our country.
    He is a pervert. A megalomaniac. A fraud. He is a Marxist hell bent on the multi-faceted destruction of all that made America the exceptional world leader it was.

  3. This has to stop.the system is not funded for this increase and our kids will suffer...SO WERE ARE IT FOR THE KIDS CROWD NOW!!!!!...it will ruin us and our futures

  4. 100% agree with 11:26

  5. Put them in special ed classes and make them start with kindergarten,if they don't like playing blocks and taking a nap hold them back and make them take it over again.


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