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Friday, August 29, 2014

Blueprint for water ‘control’? Pol says EPA made secret maps for new regulatory push

A top House Republican is charging that the Environmental Protection Agency secretly drafted highly detailed maps of U.S. waterways to set the stage for a controversial plan to expand regulatory power over streams and wetlands, a claim the EPA strongly denies.

Rep. Lamar Smith, R-Texas, chairman of the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee, released those maps on Wednesday, while firing off a letterto EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy voicing concerns over why they were created in the first place.

"These maps show the EPA's plan: to control a huge amount of private property across the country. Given the astonishing picture they paint, I understand the EPA's desire to minimize the importance of these maps," he wrote, in the letter obtained by FoxNews.com.



  1. This is exactly why I've been saying that the EPA is the most dangerous agency within the federal gov't. They are less interested in protecting the environment and more interested in controlling you & your land & every other aspect of your life. Their intent is to dominate, their intent is to bring an unrealistic agenda to bear upon America, nothing more.
    As I've said before here on SbyNews, if the EPA were truly out to protect the environment, if the EPA were truly interested in clean energy & actually doing what their mandate dictates they would be pressing the hell out of our military on some of their black budget projects. I say that because, Ben Rich, director of Lockheed Martin's 'Skunkworks' for 16 years and holder of an 'above' Top Secret clearance started a lecture back in 1976 with the statement, "We now have the technology to take ET home." 1976 mind you, that's nearly 40 years ago! After his presentation and lecture he was questioned about what he had meant by his opening words. His answer was, "We have figured out interstellar travel." Now, even the liberal Democrats running the EPA should be able understand that the energy to do this can also generate electricity and who the hell knows how else this unknown is capable of benefiting mankind?
    If the EPA were truly interested in protecting the environment they would be down the DOE's throat about falsifying evidence and reports dealing with the phenomenon we know as 'cold fusion', actually no one really knows what is happening, only that excess heat is produced from plain old water and nickel or other metals. So why, short of hypocrisy, isn't the EPA funding or lobbying for funding of experimentation and study of this clean virtually free energy source?
    The EPA is BS and the House is beginning to tell them so.

  2. The idiots in our state and local governments should NOT abide by anything they hand us.

    NO ONE voted the EPA in and we should never give them this much power and control over us. WHY aren't we fighting their mandates??? If everyone would just ignore them, they couldn't do anything about it. But it would take a very large majority.


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