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Monday, August 18, 2014

How Jay Leno, George W. Bush, And A '57 Buick Trumped All The Million-dollar Ferraris Auctioned At Pebble Beach

In the spending orgy that Pebble Beach week has seemingly become, I witnessed something special last night that will probably get lost in all the talk of $38-million Ferrari GTOs.

There was a 1957 Buick Caballero Estate Wagon on offer at Gooding that carried a pre-auction estimate of $100,000-$125,000. For those of you not familiar with the '57 Caballero Estate, it's a pillarless hardtop station wagon—a rare car that stood atop the 1957 Buick lineup. Being a wagon fan, it was on my list to follow after checking it out at Thursday's preview.

As the car rolled up to the block, David Gooding introduced Jay Leno, whose Big Dog Garage restored the car at no cost to benefit The George W. Bush Military Service Initiative, which honors post 9-11 veterans and works to help them transition back to civilian life.

The Buick, signed by President Bush, sold for a staggering $300,000

Then something magical happened.



  1. Great story and a great car.At least on par with the Nomads.

  2. Hail President Bush for giving to our veterans. All Obama know is how to give our veteran is a hard time and pink slips to our people now serving. I say cheers to President Bush.

  3. Let's see if Obama can sell a car twice for a non-profit foundation that benefits our military survivors.


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