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Monday, August 18, 2014

Eastrern Shore Pregnancy Center

The Eastern Shore Pregnancy Center will be holding it tenth Annual Labor of Love fundraising Banquet on Thursday, Oct 16th, 2014 @ 7:00 PM at the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center on 500 Glen Ave. in Salisbury, MD.

The speaker will be Susan Baldwin, Executive Director for the Women’s Resource Center of Mobile, Alabama for more than the last ten years.

If you are interested in being a table host at this event to help support the Pregnancy Center, or in attending, please call the Eastern Shore Pregnancy Center at 410-546-5433.


  1. they have and continue to do a great work in this area. we are blessed to have this resource. they depend on donations from area businesses, churches, social groups and individuals.

  2. It is Eastern, check your spelling.


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