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Thursday, August 14, 2014

Homeless Man Cries As He Watches His Shelter Being Torn Down By Police

A heartbreaking video shows a homeless man watching his shelter being torn down by police, and the clip paints a picture of the big homeless problem in America.

In the clip, a homeless man named Sam is being kicked out of the shelter he’s been living in by police.

“Sam lived in this little house in the woods for many years,” reads the video’s caption.



  1. So nice of those compassionate liberals. NIMBY

  2. He needs to get rid of any id, go south to the border then turn around start walking north and when the border patrol stops him claim to be an illegal refugee...set for the rest of his life with free housing, mdical, education, food and CASH! We can open old army barracks and buy old or incopleted hotels (finish them) to house illegals but as far as our own homeless citizens and vets, you can't build a ramble shack in the woods not bothering anyone without being run out and your simple basic roof over your head torn down! There is something very seriously wrong with this country's government...seriously wrong!!

  3. LOL. So you feel anybody can set up camp on your property.

  4. 8:31 AM - he was in a makeshift home, HIS HOME, in the woods. Hope you never have to go out and do the same thing.

  5. Somebody owns that woods. That's called Private Property. Non owners are trespassers. So far that's still against the law.

  6. 8:49 this nonsense of "hope you never have to go out and do the same" is silly.
    Use your head. Most people are NOT going to have to go out and build a makeshift shelter on someone else's property. It's not rocket science. Most people who find themselves without a place to live almost always have family or friends who will let them move in. These people don't because they have burned those bridges most often due to a substance abuse problem.

  7. 10:49 Don't lump all of the homeless in one category, many who are homeless aren't using drugs and or alcohol, many suffer from mental illness. Many of them do have family that would welcome them into their homes with joy, alas, they still would rather live in seclusion.

  8. Many homeless not only have mental health issues many are also VETERANS who have served this country and this country refuses to treat them adequately for their PTSD. . There is no reason that AMERICAN citizens should be homeless or hungry. This started before Obama & Clinton.

  9. 10:09 I do not have a drug problem and my family does not care about anyone other than themselves.
    What other bullcrap opinion do you have now?


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