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Sunday, August 31, 2014

Hey NAACP, Looks Like We'll Need A Whole Hour Of Silence Tomorrow.

42 Shootings in Chicago Since Friday; 6 Dead Include Toddler, 2 Teens

(CNSNews.com) -
At least 42 people have been shot in Chicago since Friday afternoon, and the six who died include a three-year-old child and two teenage boys, one of them 14 and the other 16, WBBM-TV reported on Monday.

The CBS station reported that the three-year-old was accidentally shot by his father; the two teenagers were shot in separate incidents by other young men, and at least one of those attacks may have been gang-related; and three adults died in shootings at different locations by assailants who fled.

"Additionally, two males were fatally shot by Chicago Police during separate incidents Sunday night," WBBM reported.



  1. Hell will freeze over before the useless NAACP ever acknowledges black on black murders.
    Black lives mean NOTHING to them, unless and until they can attach a racial agenda to it.
    The devil is waiting at the gates of hell for each and everyone who associates with this joke of an organization.

  2. WTF is wrong with you? Have some respect for the passing of human beings.

  3. Take the initiative to have your own moment of silence for whomever.Nobody has to you an order to do so.

  4. They had record heat today in Ferguson resulting in an excessive heat warning.
    This is a sign from God that Brown and all his supporters are all going to hell. It's not a coincidence. You are evil and doing the devils work and will pay.

  5. 1:38 I have ZERO respect when a common criminal dies and if you had a moral bone in your body you wouldn't either. The community is better off with one less piece of crap terrorizing it and if you don't think so then you need to so some serious soul searching.
    It's clear what class of person you are and how your parents failed you by the use of such vulgarity (wtf).

  6. Anonymous said...
    WTF is wrong with you? Have some respect for the passing of human beings.

    August 25, 2014 at 1:38 PM

    I'm ready to go to war with soft hearted Liberals like you. Please tattoo a D on your forehead so that it will be easier to identify the enemy.

  7. Anonymous said...
    WTF is wrong with you? Have some respect for the passing of human beings.

    August 25, 2014 at 1:38 PM

    WTF is wrong with you!! I hear someone from the Obama Administration is going to some dirt bag criminals funeral in Ferguson, but not the General who died for his country. That is a real WTF!!

  8. At least those cops weren't using rubber bullets!

  9. You 2:16 are a fraud. You come on here to chastise others for morality when your own moral meter is showing empty. Paying respect for the deceased is moral and human. You are a pathetic soul and POS.

  10. Gerald, retired Detroit copAugust 25, 2014 at 3:59 PM

    2:56 you are an Liberal Idiot!! Paying respect to dead criminals is not morally obligated. We should be out cheering, at least now the streets are safer and the taxpayers don't have to house, feed and clothe this scum!

  11. And you 2:56 are one foul human being. And if you did have one moral bone in your body you wouldn't glorify a criminal who because of his own life style found his brains (if he had any) spilling out on the dirt.
    What message are you sending to children. Poor question to ask someone like you void of any common decency and value and principles.
    Hitler's deceased as well, should anyone have paid any respect to him. Use you head-it would benefit you greatly and any poor children that may be cursed with having you as a parent.
    You are pathetic and not worth my time anymore and with that being said you are dismissed!

  12. Guess we can look for more looting and vandalism in the coming week. Another opportunity to hate whitey!

  13. Okay 2:56, James Earl Ray, murdered of MLK is dead so should we respect him.
    Respect is earned.

  14. Sorry for your loss, Brown family.

    Also sorry that your son CHOSE to be a petty criminal, putting at jeopardy his opportunity to become a productive member of the greater society. If he had followed through and not fallen prey to the bullying, entitled beyond belief tactic that he used on that diminutive store owner, he might have become an exemplary citizen, even a good leader. It's a sad day for all of us.

  15. Lots of "christians" up there, spouting off at the mouth.

  16. It's gotten to the point where you can only laugh about all of this. The rioting, the looting yeah they showed their true colors and told the world-they can't be trusted. Some kind of sub species than never evolved into civilized human beings.
    Racism exists because blacks themselves cause it.

  17. Keep up the good work Chicago!

  18. "Anonymous said...
    Okay 2:56, James Earl Ray, murdered of MLK is dead so should we respect him.
    Respect is earned.

    August 25, 2014 at 4:33 PM"

    What's the matter 2:56, cat have your tongue? Too funny how you cowards run and hide when someone points out just how asinine you sound-LOL! The truth sucks doesn't it-coward!
    Yep respect is earned not automatically graned and if your own parents didn't teach you that then they are miserable failures as parents and that's the root of the problems in this country. Parents who are nothing more than baby machines.

  19. Just another dead thug. Sorry I am Black and have no time for people like him. I am not sayinh he got what he deserved just saying he has done nothing for the cause. We need to educate our children.


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