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Sunday, August 31, 2014

Bacon Advertisement Removed After Muslim Resident Offended

WINOOSKI, Vt. — A pretty clever sign on a lamp post at the bottom of the Winooski Circle displayed the words “Yield for Sneakers Bacon” until Friday morning, when the bistro owners took it down.

It was placed there as part of “Operation Bloom.” The city program launched the initiative to keep its flower beds beautiful. If businesses contribute to the gardening, they can post an advertisement at the location, but the word “bacon” on the Sneakers Bistro sign started a diversity discussion on the Winooski Front Porch Forum.

It started with a post claiming the sign was insensitive to those who don’t eat pork. She said as a Muslim she is personally offended by the sign which encourages the consumption of bacon.


  1. I am offended by berkas but they don't quit wearing them.
    Nobody is asking them to eat it!!!
    Go back where you came from you inconsiderate.........

  2. are tv ads next? billboards?

    if im offended i just ignore it

  3. Ain't that a figgin shame.... she was offended I am offended when Americans are beheaded in their country Grrrrrrrr

  4. Islam is such a peaceful religion...NOT!

  5. 2:55 It is only religions that get offended at anything anymore. Whether muslim, christian, catholic, atheist. All guilty!

  6. Some American or I would tell her to kiss my ass. JCR Delmar, Md.

  7. I'd like to take a rotisserie pig and shove it down their throats.

  8. So cuttng off heads of christians is ok?? But pork products will cause your satanic cult worshippers to go to hell? Islam is a cult...a thorn in the side of israel ....thats needs to be removed like a bad case of cancer

  9. I am pleading for sanity in this country people. Is it too late to save this country from all the politically correct idiots at the switch???? COMMON SENSE SHOULD PREVAIL. I am offended by soooo many things going on now...but they are not PC to mention. Give me a break.

  10. I'm really tired of what muslims like and/or don't like. If you don't like what we do here in the United States, go back to your country and stay there.

  11. They are in MY COUNTRY. They can adhere to MY ways. Don't tell them to go back; round them all up and send them back ASAP. Don't allow them to become citizens; ever. NEVER consider any complaints, or suggestions from them. period

  12. We can track billions of phone calls. Why can't the Government maintain a database of words we can't use that we can get to from our smartphones?

  13. What the hell ever happened to democracy and majority rule? I, too, am sick and gd tired of having a minority of society govern.

  14. Ditch your cell phone....they are tracking your every move.

  15. I am offended by all the political correctness that we seem to be forced to live under these days. I am offended that Atheists are protesting God's name anywhere they find it. I am offended that a simple cross had to go to court how many times to stand in the Mojave desert because someone in freaking Minnesota or somewhere, who had never been to the Mohave desert, was offended that they may one day ride by there and see it and they didn't believe in God. I am offended that a person can no longer speak the truth because someone will be offended by it. The TRUTH that is.

    I'm offended that a white person cannot call an African American a "black" person, yet that same African American can throw out the word "nigg*r" fifteen times in one sentence. I am offended that I don't have a clue what I am supposed to call a "gay" person anymore because who in the heck knows what they want to be called these days. I am offended that a transgender person with a "mans" plumbing can come in the bathroom with me, a woman. Maybe he really isn't a transgender but a rapist and he just wants to get in the women's room or get a small child out of same restroom. I am offended that our government passes laws that they never read and that don't apply to them. I am offended that our government seems to want to spend their way into bankrupting this country with no thought to the consequences. I am offended when thousands of people come across our border with Mexico daily and yet an American drives across the border accidentally, carrying weapons, which he immediately told them about and he has been in a Mexican prison how long now. And I too am offended by those animals who beheaded that journalist.

    I could go on and on. I better quit before I make myself angry.

  16. I'm offended at moronic statements 3:24.

  17. 9:35 How is it moronic? It is fact. You can't see it, because you hide behind your wall of marality.. trying to impose your beliefs on everyone. How is that different than this? Clue: It's not.

    And, I'm glad it offended you, proves my point.


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