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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

CNN: DOJ Asked Robbery Video Not Be Released

The tall, sturdy young man in the video "appears to be" Brown, said his family's lawyer Benjamin Crump. But the family wasn't informed of the robbery or store surveillance video ahead of time, he said.

And it's immaterial, said Eric Davis, who is related to Brown.

"It's a diversion, and it's an attempt to smear Michael's character," he said. "It (should be) more about what happened on Canfield Drive, where Michael was executed."



  1. It shows him as a thug.
    He came at a cop - as a thug.

    Cop killed a thug. Another one down - and a bunch more to go!

  2. Eric holder is a traitor to AMERICA.

    1. So is Obama but we have to wait until he finishes his fn golf game.

  3. The cop has an orbital fracture from this suspect. So I don't want to hear how an unarmed man was shot. They wrestled in the back of police car. The suspect also tried to take his weapon. I'm of hearing about how "innocent" he is.

  4. It doesn't agree with the communist agenda of our criminal AG.

  5. My arse. It had everything to do with his police encounter. The first being, Uh, oh, the jigs up...I been caught.
    Don't ask how I kno, I just do.


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