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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: US officials authenticate beheading video; Obama to speak at 12:45 p.m.

US intelligence officials authenticate ISIS video of beheading of American journalist James Foley, and say second captive in video is American journalist Steven Sotloff. President Obama will speak about the murder at 12:45 p.m. ET. WATCH LIVE on Fox News and FoxNews.com.



  1. Let me guess, he will say we need to send more aide (that won't get there), supply the "rebels" (aka terrorists) with more of our weapons (That they want removed from their citizenship)? Close enough.

    Or, maybe we can release some more terrorists? That'd be great, and show ISIS that we mean business... not really.

  2. We can do sanctions, start with no more net-flix !!

  3. Or we could just behead their people

  4. This looks like a job for the Air Force to me. These freaks are anxious to meet their maker. Enough cluster-bombs ought to do the trick.

  5. But this wasn't supposed to happen. Before he was elected Obama said Muslims were going to have a whole new respect for the US because Obama understands the culture.
    And the fools believed him!
    obmas is a joke to muslims as he should be to ever decent US citizen.
    The blood of this poor man is on the backs of every single democrat in this country.

  6. Obama will trade 10 terrorist for the other reporter.

  7. The true terror here is that the ISIS man holding the knife had a british accent. There are westerners that upon producing a passport are free to travel into this country at any time they please. What makes you think that all the things going on in this country...such as mass fires....mass riots....knock out games...etc..have not been designed by these very sources to rot this country from the inside out. How many millions are we spending on putting out fires.... getting Ferguson settled... and racism in general. While we are busy chasing our tails in this country and sending troops to other countries we are bleeding cash and resources. Rotting from the inside out.


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