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Sunday, July 13, 2014

You Have To Seriously Wonder, Just How Rigged Are The Local Elections?

During the Mayoral Election Jim Ireton made numerous statements I'm very confident the masses did not support. Things like the "Lockout Ordinance" where the Mayor and Police Chief could shut down ANY business or resident if the City got two calls over a two year period. Then there was the plan to sell off the Downtown Parking Lots to provide affordable housing. The list went on and on. I'll never forget, right in front of the entire business community in a Chamber of Commerce Forum, Ireton stated, if you can't police your own business, we'll police it for you and IF we can't police your business WE'LL SHUT YOU DOWN.

Moving on to an even more disturbing and recent proposal, GET THIS. Rick Pollitt is working with the City of Salisbury to get the City to donate land next to the Henry Parker Complex. The County wants to EXPAND the ball tournaments there. Now, if you'll recall, your taxes were just raised to SUBSIDIZE the FACT that they are LOSING money and now YOU the taxpayer are footing the bill to help pay for those LOSSES. 

As if that isn't bad enough, now the County wants to spend $3,000,000.00 worth of improvements to the proposed donated land by the City, should that go through. So above and beyond the LOSSES, now you'll have to pony up an additional $3,000,000.00, assuring taxes will go UP again under the leadership of Rick Pollitt. 

OH WAIT, I'm NOT done yet. Above and beyond really stupid business moves at your expense, the County now wants to spend another $3,500,000.00 to EXPAND the Civic Center. Yes, that's right. They want to build a glassed in area in the front of the Civic Center to create a new Restaurant that will cost a total of $7,000,000.00! The state will pony up the other $3,500,000.00 and the County must match those funds. 

In these hard times it is yet another smack in the face of those very hard working independent restaurants that are severely struggling to stay alive. Mr. Paul's Legacy already closed their doors because it was so difficult to compete. The Fountain's and other businesses have struggled to compete with catering from the Civic Center as well as other local businesses.

Getting back to my first paragraph, it makes me wonder just how these politicians can say the exact opposite of what the VOTERS NEED TO HEAR, yet they somehow get elected time and time again. It's almost as if they know in advance they'll have no problem winning an election and in the end when they allegedly do get elected, the voters should simply accept these ridiculous expenses because we must have supported them because we allegedly voted for them.

Now, it's either these elections are rigged OR we have some extremely stupid residents in Salisbury or Wicomico County. YOU MAKE THE CALL, IF YOU CAN. 


  1. 19.58% turnout for the last Salisbury Mayoral Election.

    If voters would actually participate in our elections, maybe we would get a different result.

    1. Maybe if the choices were better, people would.

  2. OR you have people who view things different from you and your agenda. In your eyes that makes them stupid...GROW UP

  3. Sorry - I gotta go with the "extremely stupid residents"! I was out at a public function the other day at a local hot-spot and saw the stupidity in action...our mayor is turning this area in to another Rehoboth.....

  4. I stated years ago. bulldoze the Civic Center take the old mall lot and build a new modern alcohol friendly Civic Center / amphitheater ..the old Civic Center lot could be turned into a high-rise parking facility...as always democrats do not know how to foster growth...instead they propose sec 8 housing and welfare type projects with no long term jobs or tax base....and now the new mall is dying whats gonna replace the losses there??...libtards will probably want to TIF that out too..and get growof to pay for growof....

  5. anonymous 8:10, At 52 years old, I am grown up.

    Perhaps you don't realize how many people per day I'm in communication with.

    Not everyone agrees with my views, I accept that. However, name ONE proposal I brought forth in my plans for Salisbury in which you disagreed with.

    Funny, seems to me EVERYTHING Ireton is now doing is EXACTLY what I had proposed, aside from selling off the parking lots.

    AND, IF YOU seemed to AGREE with the Affordable Housing idea Ireton had, why aren't you COMPLAINING that instead of Affordable Housing he is selling off lots to special interests instead.

    More things that make you go, Hmmmmm?

  6. The elections are rigged. No doubt about it any more. We're voting for Culver.

  7. Joe,

    They are really really stupid and we know you can't fix stupid!!!

  8. They are VERY rigged.

  9. 8:21, Thank you but I disagree. I really don't believe people are that stupid.

    The nay sayers want to believe I'm just a sore loser. I'm not, not at all. I truly wish I could confidently say that Jim Ireton truly won that election.

    Believe me, it pains me severely to feel that there's a possibility elections in AMERICA could end up being so questionable. I do not believe Obama won the second go around either, that's just how I feel. I do not believe American Voters are that stupid.

    Now, if the nay sayers believe I don't live a wonderful life NOT being Mayor, they're stupid. THINK about what has been left behind from Ireton and Tilghman. THINK about the FACT that there is a LIBERAL majority on the Council. THINK about how many frustrating proposals I would have brought forth that the Council would have shot down.

    There's a LOT more to how things turned out. Now you just have to open your eyes and mind to the possibilities.

  10. Is 8:10 JR or JT? Just curious

  11. I'm sorry but this is just incredible. Times are the most difficult we have ever experienced. We are struggling to stay afloat with our bank and we recently cut off our cable. Expecting us to pay more is just out of the question. I feel helpless and hopeless.

  12. Wow, if the county has all this money to spend on this stuff, pass a noise ordinance so the state will put a sound wall up along RT. 13 by-pass. They cut down alot of the trees they planted & the ones they didn't cut are damages from beetles. That's it...let on fall on the by-pass & they state will put up the wall. Only if the county does an ordinance.

  13. Building a new restaurant building without a tenant=dumb. Government building new restaurant space in a government building to compete with local restaurants=beyond dumb.

  14. You guys just don't understand the liberal mindset. If the county is losing money on ball tournaments, the solution is simply to make it up on volume. You know have bigger and more frequent ball tournaments. If the tax base needs to be expanded, build housing for people who need subsidies to afford it. If restaraunts are closing, the county should go into competition against them. Why not gamble on a costly addition to the civic center. That's the answer! It's the governments money so just quit whining and pay your taxes!

  15. Hrmm.. a restaurant with no alcohol, yea everyone eats at the Civic Center because the Sisco food is always top notch....

    More fodder...

    Guess they figure most of the homeowners living in Wicomico County are now trapped being underwater on our homes so why not keep piling it on, not like home values will be going up anytime soon so we can escape this place.

  16. 8:10 We should be so lucky to be the next Rehoboth. You know what houses are worth there?

  17. 9:18, PLEASE! Salisbury will NEVER be anything other than what is is now.

    It could be, IF the voters had taken a different directions.

    Water Parks, Six Flags and other amusement attractions would turn this County around.


    They want you in affordable housing. WHY, because Pollitt, Tilghman and Ireton know a LOT of special interests and I'll just leave it at that.

    I tried giving you people the chance to turn that around and guess what, they're scared to death of Joe Albero and Salisbury News. How dare I challenge them. How dare I expose what they're up to. I am the Anti Christ in the liberal eyes of the Eastern Shore. In reality, I am the wake up call. I'm the ONLY one with the stones enough to call them out. I am the ONLY one who has spent the past 10 years bring you the other side.

    You won't find their kind challenging me FACE TO FACE, just as you never saw it in ANY of the Forums. Oh, one time they claimed I said on a Blog that I was going to close the Zoo, a complete and utter LIE.

    They cannot, nor will they EVER challenge me FACE TO FACE in public because they know I'm too smart for them. I know too much.

    Instead, they just say the guy is nuts, he's a liar, don't believe what he says.

    Well Ladies & Gentlemen, do I not deliver FACTS, DOCUMENTS, PHOTOS, PROOF? Of course I do. If you want to be SHEEPLE, follow the flock leaders when they call me a liar.

    The TRUTH hurts.

  18. expand the civic center?! no way. I like that one idea of bulldozing it and moving it across the street to the old mall lot. They could build a new one right up to that parking they paid millions for

  19. Priority's are completely miss placed across the board all across America. When will local/state/federal administrations wake up and see that we are near the tipping point everywhere.

  20. You'll have to broaden the definition of "rigged" to grasp the scope of the problem.They're rigged,but not in any manner yet discussed.

  21. The family owned restaurants in this area are pulling at their last hair to stay afloat, this project reminds me of the UMES thing that was proposed for the firehouse across from the library. The last thing those businesses need is a government funded, subsidy funded, restaurant to stick a fork in the last few family restaurants around here. No pun intended, I work at one, and this could be the straw that breaks the camel's back.

  22. We have many of the same issues up here in Easton. The town is awash in vacant commercial space. The Eastern Shore Land Conservancy (a nonprofit) has outgrown their space at Wye Mills. So what do they do? They raise millions of dollars in donations and buy an old warehouse much larger than they need. They intend to renovate and rent out the extra space, all in the name of sustainability. In actuality they have added to Easton vacancy problem, they are using their tax free status to compete with private business (many of which are in financial trouble) and have miss an opportunity to protect 4.5 million in land.

  23. Anonymous said...
    Is 8:10 JR or JT? Just curious

    July 8, 2014 at 8:37 AM

    Or CC or JI? Just curious

  24. bulldoze city centre no alcohol sales..no profit waste of money .8:55 has it right..if any money is to be spent..bulldoze it and develop a new beter profitable venue..that is an investment and good use of fed and state grants..

  25. Please clarify statement in paragraph 2: Who is losing money?

    The County? The Tourism department? The Tournaments? The Henry Parker Complex?


  26. Anonymous said...
    8:10 We should be so lucky to be the next Rehoboth. You know what houses are worth there?

    July 8, 2014 at 9:18 AM

    Rehoboth has a beach also Bozo which increase the property values. Remember Boi Mare getting caught playing prostitute on the beach with another Boi and ran from the cops. Busted. But everyone supposedly loves the Boi and Jakey Day.

  27. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    We have many of the same issues up here in Easton. The town is awash in vacant commercial space. The Eastern Shore Land Conservancy (a nonprofit) has outgrown their space at Wye Mills. So what do they do? They raise millions of dollars in donations and buy an old warehouse much larger than they need. They intend to renovate and rent out the extra space, all in the name of sustainability. In actuality they have added to Easton vacancy problem, they are using their tax free status to compete with private business (many of which are in financial trouble) and have miss an opportunity to protect 4.5 million in land.

    July 8, 2014 at 10:43 AM

    You all failed to mention a name to this and you need to remember that name. Who is running for the Wicomico County Council and works for the Eastern Shore Land Conservancy?

  28. Just an FYI. The city of Salisbury doesn't technically own that land next to the Henry Parker Complex. Just like the Henry Parker Complex it is the Open Space Program. That means the county or city gets the property for little to nothing from funds that the state has acquired and then nothing can be built on it. So it would be an easy exchange. The city is doing absolutely nothing with it so why not give it to the county. The county should pay that 10% worth that the city paid and it's a done deal.

  29. @10:43 -

    If you think that Eastern Shore Land Conservancy deal is bad now, just wait! They purchased an old dry cleaner's building. Neighboring properties have been declared brownfields because of chemical contamination. Who's going to pay the millions of dollars to remediate the area? We are, as taxpayers!

  30. I for one am really tired of sour grapes. People lose, people win. Take your lumps and move forward.

  31. I think I recall Mackes came before council during budgets and he needed the county to subsidize his fees to play ball so more teams would participate. Does that answer 10:59

  32. well, well, well King Mackes has got his minion Strasburg singing the praises of these tournaments. They may be great for the restaurants and hotels - most nationally owned - not locally owned which should be noted - but at what expense to the taxpayer to make money for that group? Then that group pays a tax that goes back to the Civic Center and Tourism to keep Mackes' empire growing. If Mackes is doing such a bang up job of bringing money to this County, why are we in such dire straits? Is it because he gets rewarded with a huge budget for new vehicles and big jump in wages for certain staff members? He is one of the core problems with our county government. With the passing of Henry Parker one would think that those in charge would find the courage to fire or at least rein in this rogue department head - but no, let's just have the tax payers fund more for the Civic Center, parks, tourism and whatever else he wants. They make it sound so easy and pretty - THINK PEOPLE! You don't build something and that is the end of it. Think about the maintenance costs to maintain all of these "income producing" moves - just more burden on the tax payer. We need to be down-sizing to what we can afford - not growing. LEADERSHIP IN WICOMICO COUNTY IS CLUELESS AND I HOPE POLLITT LOSES AND THAT CULVER CLEANS HOUSE.

  33. 11:54 - Mackes has all kinds of "slush" funds for lack of a more formal, politically correct term - LOL. He could have come up with the funds from within his various departments, but why should he when M. Holloway and his highly cultivated and manipulated Prettyman vote to give him what he wants....and dummy Hall just follows the leader. SMH - can you say CLOWN SHOW IN WICOMICO...maybe we could make money selling tickets to watch that show.

  34. There's a printer on just about everybody's desk in Parks and Rec. They can fund the restaurant purchase just by switching to copiers and making people walk a few feet.

  35. Joe I agree that a water park or some project that size would help but I don't see the people in power and the born here's approving ANY project that size,they feel it will impact their way of life and traffic too much.It's going to continue to be fast food and the likes.

  36. Isn't interesting that someone from the first inside would be commenting? Must not like the boss, huh?

  37. Ballparks are in most of the towns in the County, why don't they use them instead of building more.

  38. Say goodbye to the Naylor Mill mountain-bike trails.

    Heaven forbid that this area have a diversity of recreational opportunities. It's not just mountain-bikers who use the trails; hikers and horseback-riders use it too. Additionally, does this denuded county really need more deforestation?

    Idea: How about turning the vast wasteland that is the old Salisbury Mall into a sports complex? The pipe dreams of a mixed-use community are never going to happen, and ball fields there could develop some synergy with the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center and Wicomico County Stadium. Put that land to use sooner rather than much, much later (if ever) and leave Naylor Mill alone.

  39. The old mall property is on lockdown so to speak.It cannot be developed because of legal issues.No structure can be built on it.The pavement can be removed and grass planted for instance and trees planted,but absolutely nothing structurally can be built on it.Why that is not made known to the public is beyond me.If that tid bit was made available to the public people would stop thinking something could possibly go there.The old mall property is literally a dead issue.

  40. Everyone KNOWS you won that election JOE. Of course elections is RIGGED.

  41. The article asks if local elections are rigged. This question has come up many times in the past on this blog site. I believe they are rigged, in at least Ireton's and Matthias' last victories, and probably a few more. The question is, who cares enough to generate a federal investigation to expose the past and protect the future?


  42. The county should get out of the Civic Center business entirely.

    Get a developer to put up their own money (no grants, subsidies, etc.) and help expedite usage of the old mall site for that purpose.

    Are the taxes current on the old mall site? If not sheriff sell it or claim it for the taxes.

    The hard, true facts are that unless private money is willing to go it alone any deal is suspect.

    The food operation at the civic center is a monopoly and only stays afloat by excluding ALL of the other caterers and restaurants in the area. They pay taxes! And Mackes' chow shop doesn't.

  43. 3:04 PM

    How did they manage to sell a piece of it to make a parking lot?

  44. The elections are rigged and I heard Rick Pollitt. was telling friends out of state they can find ways to vote for him.

  45. Anonymous said...
    expand the civic center?! no way. I like that one idea of bulldozing it and moving it across the street to the old mall lot. They could build a new one right up to that parking they paid millions for

    July 8, 2014 at 9:29 AM

    That is probably the best idea yet. The problem is that it would be a White Elephant until they had someone with some brains that could market the Civic Center to make sure that we had events there every single weekend. We pay a lot of money for that arena to stay vacant every weekend. We can't even get the Civic Center to hold the proms because they charge the schools way to much money. Gary Mackes is out of control and the County has been losing millions under his watch but we keep doling out millions and nice cars for him and his staff.

  46. Anonymous said...
    We have many of the same issues up here in Easton. The town is awash in vacant commercial space. The Eastern Shore Land Conservancy (a nonprofit) has outgrown their space at Wye Mills. So what do they do? They raise millions of dollars in donations and buy an old warehouse much larger than they need. They intend to renovate and rent out the extra space, all in the name of sustainability. In actuality they have added to Easton vacancy problem, they are using their tax free status to compete with private business (many of which are in financial trouble) and have miss an opportunity to protect 4.5 million in land.

    July 8, 2014 at 10:43 AM

    Where can we get that information?

  47. Anonymous said...
    @10:43 -

    If you think that Eastern Shore Land Conservancy deal is bad now, just wait! They purchased an old dry cleaner's building. Neighboring properties have been declared brownfields because of chemical contamination. Who's going to pay the millions of dollars to remediate the area? We are, as taxpayers!

    July 8, 2014 at 11:13 AM

    Where can we find this information?

  48. Anonymous said...
    I for one am really tired of sour grapes. People lose, people win. Take your lumps and move forward.

    July 8, 2014 at 11:17 AM

    Chuck Cook, Sarah Lake or Sarah Myers?

  49. Anonymous said...

    The county should get out of the Civic Center business entirely.

    Get a developer to put up their own money (no grants, subsidies, etc.) and help expedite usage of the old mall site for that purpose.

    Are the taxes current on the old mall site? If not sheriff sell it or claim it for the taxes.

    The hard, true facts are that unless private money is willing to go it alone any deal is suspect.

    The food operation at the civic center is a monopoly and only stays afloat by excluding ALL of the other caterers and restaurants in the area. They pay taxes! And Mackes' chow shop doesn't.

    July 8, 2014 at 7:29 PM

    I disagree. The Civic Center should stay under the County. At least they are offering something to the County such as concerts and many event for the kids such as Disney on Ice. Put it in private hands and the new owner go belly up. Guess who subsidizes them. The County does. I say keep the Civic Center and get rid of Mackes. That is where the problem is.

  50. Anonymous said...
    bulldoze city centre no alcohol sales..no profit waste of money .8:55 has it right..if any money is to be spent..bulldoze it and develop a new beter profitable venue..that is an investment and good use of fed and state grants..

    July 8, 2014 at 10:47 AM

    City centre?? You are so worried about selling booze that you are very uneducated or you are very drunk. Your grammar is horrible. Maybe we should talk about you going back to finish your education.

    If you don't know what you are talking about please don't comment.

  51. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    We have many of the same issues up here in Easton. The town is awash in vacant commercial space. The Eastern Shore Land Conservancy (a nonprofit) has outgrown their space at Wye Mills. So what do they do? They raise millions of dollars in donations and buy an old warehouse much larger than they need. They intend to renovate and rent out the extra space, all in the name of sustainability. In actuality they have added to Easton vacancy problem, they are using their tax free status to compete with private business (many of which are in financial trouble) and have miss an opportunity to protect 4.5 million in land.

    July 8, 2014 at 10:43 AM

    You all failed to mention a name to this and you need to remember that name. Who is running for the Wicomico County Council and works for the Eastern Shore Land Conservancy?

    July 8, 2014 at 11:07 AM

    Can you say JOSH HASTINGS!!!!

  52. Anonymous said...
    Maybe if the choices were better, people would.

    July 8, 2014 at 11:20 AM


    Can you people please be more specific!!

  53. anonymous 11:17, Do you really think your attitude should be the way of life for Americans any more?

    Every time a Republican shows that a Democrat may have done something wrong, this is how you respond.

    Then, whenever a Democrat finds something they want to challenge, you immediately go into the attack mode, (Andy Harris, for example) yet you tell us you are tire of the sour grapes and you hide behind anonymous.

    It's not hard to figure out who you are, or at least we can break it down to a pretty small group.

    On my behalf, there's no sour grapes. ANYONE who knows of the lifestyle I/We are currently living knows I'm in a better place than I have ever been in my entire lifetime.

    I am doing what I enjoy most and the rewards are visible each and every day. You people think that being the Mayor of one of the most screwed up City's in America, crime through the roof, infighting like there's no tomorrow, property values dropping like Salisbury had atomic waste, water and sewer rates through the roof, taxation from both the City and County, YOU CAN TRULY HAVE IT.

    That being said, was the election results questionable, absolutely. God Forbid ANYONE step up and actually bring it to light. Let me remind ALL of you the following...

    I received a phone call the day after or maybe two days after the election from the Daily Times. They KNEW the election was rigged and they said, "there's not a single person in this building that believes Jim Ireton won that election".

    NOW, IF the Daily Times was simply trying to stir the pot to create news they would have come out with an article questioning it and using my response as a part of their article. That DIDN'T happen because that is truly how they felt. Mind you, they couldn't figure out and or prove this was the case but they knew it wasn't right.

    So "sour grapes", I don't know about all of that but IF we were to live our lives where we're pretty confident something isn't/wasn't right and we didn't challenge it and we became the PUPPETS YOU want us to be, well, that's NOT the Country ALL of those people who fought and DIED to give us that right want to live.

    We know, you couldn't care less unless you are able to play those mind games in the hopes of shutting people like me and many others up.

    All that being said, IF you don't like this Blog, by all means, don't come back. This is how we feel. But you can't, can you. You know if you run to JT's site you already know he has no real following. He has no respect from the limited viewers he gets so you MUST come here and play the twisted word mind games.

    FUNNY how NONE of you can create your own Blog that has anywhere near the following we enjoy here at SBYNews. And what does that tell you? It tells me there are far less people who support your crooked views, just as I learned going door to door meeting people. The absolute overwhelming MAJORITY were sick and tired of the Tilghman/Ireton leadership.

    The Mayoral election taught me a LOT. More importantly, I experienced it FIRST HAND. It's not an assumption. Your side is full of crap and guess what, I couldn't care less that I am not the Mayor. Sour Grapes, I think not.

    Finally, IF Jim Ireton can walk around with his head held high because he believes he won, well, he'll make for a great politician.

  54. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    well, well, well King Mackes has got his minion Strasburg singing the praises of these tournaments. They may be great for the restaurants and hotels - most nationally owned - not locally owned which should be noted - but at what expense to the taxpayer to make money for that group? Then that group pays a tax that goes back to the Civic Center and Tourism to keep Mackes' empire growing. If Mackes is doing such a bang up job of bringing money to this County, why are we in such dire straits? Is it because he gets rewarded with a huge budget for new vehicles and big jump in wages for certain staff members? He is one of the core problems with our county government. With the passing of Henry Parker one would think that those in charge would find the courage to fire or at least rein in this rogue department head - but no, let's just have the tax payers fund more for the Civic Center, parks, tourism and whatever else he wants. They make it sound so easy and pretty - THINK PEOPLE! You don't build something and that is the end of it. Think about the maintenance costs to maintain all of these "income producing" moves - just more burden on the tax payer. We need to be down-sizing to what we can afford - not growing. LEADERSHIP IN WICOMICO COUNTY IS CLUELESS AND I HOPE POLLITT LOSES AND THAT CULVER CLEANS HOUSE.

    July 8, 2014 at 12:06 PM

    Culver isn't the savior, but he is a start. You need a county council that will be more conservative and stop spending money. Quit hiring so many employees. Ever heard of a hiring freeze. Attrition? You don't necessarily have to lay off employees, but they can be reassigned if someone quits or retires. The largest percentage of Wicomico County's budget is salary and that includes the Wicomico County Board of Education. You need a County Council that will have nads necessary to cut the budget when it gets to them. John Hall is a RINO and we all know that. What has Matt Holloway done for the County in the last for years? John Cannon might be the better choice at large, but then you have Laura Mitchell and Hell NO we don't want her. Running for the Democrat ticket is Josh Hastings who was Laura Mitchell's campaign treasurer for City Council. He worked for State Senator Joan Conway who was the champion for the Same Sex Marriage Bill and gun rights. She is also against your 2nd Amendment rights. Mr. Hastings also worked for Jim Mathias. Then we have Ernie Davis who will be trouble on the council. He is a bus contractor who loves to sue.

    Be careful in who you vote for and who you support.

  55. Well said 12:06! Mackes is out of control and needs to be stopped. He believes he is above getting reprimanded by his "bosses" because they all buy into his BS. He needs to retire/be relieved of his duties before he ruins the County. The quickest way for change is get get Slick Rick out of office and maybe life will improve around the county.

  56. "It's not hard to figure out who you are, or at least we can break it down to a pretty small group."

    Spot on Joe, Spot on!!

    Reminds me of those Homo's that dressed as chickens and went to that event just to harass Andy Harris. Can anyone remember those characters?

    Joe do you have those pictures? I would love to see those again to see who all was involved.

  57. Joe is it "could care less" or "couldn't care less?"

  58. Elections are rigged?

    To anyone who questions whether the last Salisbury City election was rigged think about this.

    1) Where were the polling places? One was at the Salisbury Fire Department on Cypress Street.

    2) Who has access to the fire department on Cypress Street? Rick Hoppes and a few others and the machines were in the buildings over night.

    3) Who was dying to be the next fire chief? Rick Hoppes. He would do anything to be the next fire chief since he had been waiting almost 2 years. All he needed to do was get Jim Ireton re-elected and Debbie Campbell ousted.

    4) Who was dying to be the next mayor or re-elected mayor? Jim Ireton. Jim Ireton was Rick Hoppes' boss so he could easily influence Rick or some other fire fighter to gain access to the computers.

    5) Who have friends in high places within the State? Jim Ireton. Chuck Cook worked for Martin O'Malley so they could have gotten all the resources they wanted to access the computers.

    So all morning long during the election everyone was saying Joe was winning the election 2 to 1 and then Joe loses? So Jim Ireton gets re-elected and Debbie Campbell is beat by a landslide. Remember back a few short years when Debbie Campbell got re-elected and Debbie got more votes in her district than Jim Ireton got city wide. Jim Ireton rode in on Debbie Campbell's coattail for the win. Do you really believe that the electorate hated Debbie Campbell that much in 4 years and to vote for someone like Jake Day. It's very possible that Debbie could have lost that election, but it would have been close. I highly doubt Debbie lost by a landslide and Jim Ireton beat Joe 2 to 1.

    Immediately following the election Jake Day becomes president of the city council and Laura Mitchell becomes vice president. The biggest item on the agenda at the meeting was to confirm a new fire chief. Debbie Campbell is gone and there is a new majority in Jim Ireton's favor. BAM! Salisbury has a new fire chief and coincidently the election was held in a city building where desperate people had access. A city fire department at that. Desperate people do desperate things. Sounds like a plan to me.

  59. July 13, 2014 at 12:14 PM

    A comment worthy of a post.

  60. Just curious. What would you do about the heroin problem in Salisbury?

  61. 3:51, Who are you addressing your question to?

  62. You. If elected mayor. What would be your approach?

  63. 3:59, Tough question, allow me to explain.

    Heroin isn't just a problem in Salisbury. That being said, I have held discussions with Sheriff's Deputies, State Police Officers and Delaware State Police. The problem is much more severe than most people realize.

    I have also had in depth conversations with States Attorney Matt Maciarello. NO ONE is denying that this is the most serious problem local Law Enforcement have faced in many years.

    IF I had been elected Mayor I would have made this my #1 priority, economic development would have had to be placed second in line for a period of time.

    Pulling ALL Law Enforcement together would have been my fist goal. Creating a Task Force to go after the King Pins and Dealers ON A REGULAR AND WEEKLY BASIS and letting the PUBLIC be aware of every single arrest would be very important to me.

    You see, until you are a VICTIM of heroin drug users by theft, many do not realize just how bad it is in Salisbury. I'd EDUCATE the public to let them know just how bad it is so they can understand why the choice was being made to fund such a project.

    I would ask to sit down with the States Attorneys Office as well as sitting Judges to get a clear understanding as to how each plan would need to come together to not only arrest these people but to also make sure when the case makes it to Court, IT STICKS.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is this. I can recall the incredible efforts Sheriff Lewis made when Sarah Foxwell went missing. He didn't sleep, (literally) for days. I wouldn't sleep either. I'd go after this massive local problem full steam ahead. I'd let these Dealers know, we're coming and we're going to lock you up, period.

    Believe me, the Police have plenty of intel to tackle this problem but Law Enforcement knows that IF we were to pull the drugs off the streets and made damn sure it didn't return, many Officer could be out of a job. So they simply dabble in fixing the problem.

    As Mayor, that would be absolutely unacceptable. Being Mayor shouldn't be about kissing babies, photo ops or making speeches. Being the LEADER in a major community means you are going to piss a LOT of people off and that's exactly what Salisbury needs, a Mayor with stones that can GET RESULTS.

    That is of course MY opinion and the way I would go about this particular issue. So I'll ask you, how's it working out with Ireton in charge? Or is he actually in charge?

  64. Not bad lol. I know this isnall off topic. Butbit is such a serious issue in our areanand I just don't see any end. We can lock up the dealers and users all we want. Someone will fill there shoes five seconds later. Or the users will start making method and we will not only have junkie zombies still doming around. But have stuff blowing up leftnand right. I have not spoke to barely ten people in the past year that does not have a very close family member or friend that is on heroin. So so sad.

  65. 5:28, Are you suggesting then that we do NOTHING? Because that's what has been going on here on the Shore for years. Yeah, they have made a few arrests but everyone is starting to realize MORE has to be done as it is way out of control. Also, what's the "lol" after not bad?

    Now, someone asked me what I would do, where is their response to my reply?

  66. I would like to chime-in on this discussion - particularly on the ECONOMIC FRONT. Many people were not aware that Joe Albero had a unique vision for Wicomico County - and - the City of Salisbury. He has already alluded to some these projects in his 9:27 Posting above; examples: Six Flags, Water Parks, Disney, Kings Dominion II. Joe had even assembled an ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRIKE FORCE - a real minuteman crew to help address the deplorable economic conditions that have stricken our area. No other Mayoral candidate had enbarked on such a bold measure. When the Mayoral debates came - the other City Council candidates and other Mayoral Candidate tried to steal his platform. Yet we all know that he was miles ahead of them. So let's fast forward to today - Wicomico has been losing over 1000 jobs a month for two years now. Our workforce numbers have deteriorated dramatically - yet the taxes are increasing incrementally while government spending is increasing exponentially. THIS IS UNSUSTAINABLE!! And I know that Joe Albero and myself have issued repeated warning to the general public almost each and every day.

    And so I encourage each and every residence to try and initiate change during the upcoming election. In my honest opinion the current leadership is devoid of the ability to address the current economic crisis.

  67. A "ghost in the machine" app.Seriously.A little known app that coerces & alters a tally of virtually anything to change the outcome.

  68. People need to take a hard look at who gets arrested. No white folk. Hmmmm. This place is dirty from the top to the bottom. Joe they hide it from you of course. You scare them. No white king pins really. Ireton is confused on many levels as well. Hell he dont know if he a boy or girl. People better wake up the boogey man is coming. Heck he is already here. Ireton acts like he is on rock most the time. seriously

  69. July 13, 2014 at 12:14 PM should be a comment worthy of a post.

  70. Joe was winning the election 2-1 in the morning. The people that have jobs got out and voted Albero. Then all the people that dont like Joe woke up. The ones living off of the state. Then the druggies and thuggies woke up. These people love Ireton why wouldnt they. He is just like them. Pure liberal everybody owes me. How many times has this guy been passed over at the B.O.E. He ran for Mayor because he had a chip on his little liberal shoulder. At the end of the day Joe the city got just what it deserves.

  71. July 8, 2014 at 11:13 AM

    Where can we find this information?
    July 13, 2014 at 9:41 AM



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