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Sunday, July 13, 2014

Hey Fredericksen, The State Did NOT Do A Fraud Audit

The below information was recently sent out to ALL Wicomico County Board of Education Employees.

Here's what Fredericksen DIDN'T tell everyone. There are TWO kinds of audits. One is a general audit, (like the one the state did on the BOE) and then there's a Fraud Audit, in which the state did not perform.

To IMPLY that NOTHING was pointed out as being fraudulent is a complete load of crap. When you say it's for the CHILDREN and you are out at Brew River, Market Street and the like and spending several HUNDRED dollars at a pop, yeah, I'd call that FRAUD. 

It's very important ALL of you understand the following as well. One of the main reasons the state frowns against these Gift Cards is because of the following. It would be FRAUD if these cards were used to buy liquor. Well, as I'm confident you can assume, LIQUOR was more than likely purchased during some of these outings. 

More importantly, let's just say SOME of these cards actually fell into a students hands. There is NOTHING saying that the cards weren't used to purchase LIQUOR and or Cigarettes. Hey Mom, look what I got from the school today. Can Fredericksen PROVE that each card was used for the actual student and that the proper items were in fact purchased? NO. 

Again, this is why the Auditor stated in his original report that these gift cards tend to be abused fraudulently. Enjoy the rest of the show below. 


  1. Just more lipstick on the pig it looks like to me. Typical liberal outlook on life.WE WILL SPEND EVERYONE ELSES DOLLAR THE WAY WE WANT BUT HOW DARE WE SPEND OUR OWN.

  2. Interesting how Fredericksen SHELTERED himself and ALL of the others who actually spent the $160,000.00 on gift cards.

    He sends out this letter to place all the attention on the people who's names ended up as the users of the cards and how the Daily Times didn't disclose it properly.

    OK Freddy, tell everyone WHO spent ALL that money then.

  3. These people are out there buying LIQUOR and FINE DINING and then no doubt DRIVING DRUNK. And we PAY for it. Don't let up on them JOE! Keep going until they are all FIRED. That mayor job should have been YOURS. I hope you come back and run for executive next time.

  4. This is a Freddy CYA letter if I ever saw one!

  5. Can we request to see the approvals for the spending he talks about. If Barbara Jenkins spent $348 at Uno's, can I see the details of who was there any why?

  6. It's like Joe is the only person holding these taxpayer paid people accountable even at the state level they look out for each other.It's like they feel entitled to these perks because the taxpayers are just pee-ons.

  7. He only uses $9,000... what about the other $151k, over the last 2 years?

    And, I have never seen class groups blowing $900+ at Brew or Market.

    And, the whole "Student Activity Fund"... BS. Or, is he saying, the parents/teachers/children, raise money for a "club", and that money is spent for this fine dining? Is that better? That I give money to a school club, thinking it's going to fund the club, but the BOE allocates it to go to Greene Turtle?

    This dude is delusional, at best... along with Pollitt, Drunksburg, and the rest of the corrupt officials around here.

  8. How big was the shovel he used when he delivered these to the public? Bigger than a coal or snow shovel, I'll bet!

    That's more than a crapload, it's at least a metric crapload!

  9. From what I've seen of him and the conditions of the public schools, I'm inclined to believe he is clueless. And it's not just him, but nationwide. You are correct Joe, this wasn't a fraud investigation, which includes a more indebt audit, but a general audit. I'm really shocked this simpleton doesn't know the difference, but then on the other hand I am not. He wasn't chosen for his abilities in education, but only because he's a yes man and does without question, whatever his masters (the politicians) tell him to do.


  11. 4:43 --

    You are wrong - Joe Holloway got this info after having to face down Freddy and Ricky Pollitt.

    Bob Culver supported Joe in that effort, bur the RINO kids (Matt Holloway, John Hall, Barko and Stevie) were AWOL when it counted.

  12. Hip boots are not even good enough when reading this letter - Frederickson you need to go, period. There needs to be a BIG fraud investigation into this mess. All of a sudden everyone would be gone, which is what needs to happen.

  13. Fredericksen, You are so full of sh!t. You just need to shut up and provide the documentation that you have been asked for REPEATEDLY. I'm so sick of your lying, cheating, stealing, obnoxious, better than everyone else attitude. I hope the State of Maryland comes down here and fires you. I want to see ALL of the receipts. Not some lame excuse. If you have not done anything wrong, then you need to provide itemized receipts for every single penny. That way we as taxpayers can see how much we paid for everyone to go out drinking and driving on our dime. So if you have done nothing wrong, WE WANT THE ITEMIZED RECEIPTS!!

  14. "Anonymous said...

    July 7, 2014 at 5:35 PM"

    MD's Office of Legislative Audits. You can remain anon. You would have to state specific instances of fraud in order for an investigation to commence, such who, when, where.

  15. grant money-tax dollars.....I love when the pos's use the its grant money.....it still comes from taxpayers.
    spent 12 yrs in county schools not once did any of us get to eat like they do now.

    big mike

  16. I have got news for the entire Wicomico County citizens.

    It is high time a full blown Forensic Audit is conducted on the Wicomico County Board of Education. Mr. Fredricksen spoke about grant money - what about the Federal Stimulus money that was appropriated to education. No - it wasn't enough for O'Malley to divert federal stimulus money to subsidize the school teachers pension fund. Here is the quote:

    'O'Malley said $721 million in stimulus funds would be used to supplement the state's public education budget over the next two years. Of that, $329 million would be used to cover growing teacher retirement costs. The retirement program proposal is expected to end a debate about whether the state should shift a portion of pension costs to the counties.

    O'Malley's proposal would also allow a 5 percent increase in community college funding. His earlier budget proposal essentially would have frozen funding for the third year in a row, which probably would have prompted tuition increases.'


  17. Mike Lewis and SWAT need to raid their homes at 2AM with teargas and flash bangs and lock them all up with no bail. Then YOU JOE ALBERO need to testify in COURT against them and let the judge decide 20years or LIFE. Then Politt can eat prison food and drink toilet bowl booze instead.

  18. 5:35 -- try contacting our fearless State's Attorney!

  19. Joe,
    I thin you need to be specific with your complaints. Who, what, when, and why?

  20. 7:37, I believe you are addressing your question/statement to me. Could be Joe Holloway. I say that because Joe has been demanding for almost a YEAR for that very information and Fredericksen has been avoiding delivering such information, to my knowledge.


  21. Find one school district in this country that doesn't spend money in similar ways. Guess what? You won't. Get a life people. Spend more time with your kids, and less time worrying about how "your" tax money is spent.

    1. Heck yeah it's my tax money! My husband pays more in taxes each year then what most 2 parent working households make. It's rediculious to bring home half of what you earn to support fraudulent people! BOE or otherwise I believe in making an honest living, and am sick and tired providing benefits to others who could afford them if they had to!

  22. 6:06pm Glad you think you know it all. I'm ROTFLMAO


    Sorry, MD is a single party state and will be for a long time. Anyone in charge of what people are complaining about are part of that party so there really isn't anyone you can complain to. Those of us on the receiving end of these perks like it. I suggest that you change allegiance and start enjoying it like the rest of us. You may even quality for food stamps.

  24. Mmm , maybe all the proof will be deleted by a computer crash , or maybe it will disappear suddenly .
    Anyway , nothing will be done , all government does it and is an accepted practice. They steal from us in everyway possible , this is just the tip of the iceberg .

  25. It amazes me that the County Council or parents can ask for information and he doesn't think he should provide it unless it suits him. How does anyone get away with this for years?

  26. Great post Joe you hit the nail on the head here. Put this money in the classroom and you would see better test results.

  27. "To properly manage" is a split infinitive. How can a man of his staggering intellect not know that? Aren't subordinates sometimes criticized for their grammatical errors?

  28. I find it hilarious people can comfortably respond to this post anonymously. I bet not a single one of you mfers, with the exception of Joe, will do anything other than rant. Until you are willing to take a stand for what YOU think is right, save the rest of us from reading your opinions that don't make a difference in the long run. (And before you comment, yes I am aware my post is anonymous.)

  29. You all wish you were teachers. Good night. Going to the beach tomorrow while you all work

  30. Dr. Fredericksens evaluation is coming up soon.

  31. Subtitle for this post:

    Fred Has No Cred!

  32. Anonymous said...
    Find one school district in this country that doesn't spend money in similar ways. Guess what? You won't. Get a life people. Spend more time with your kids, and less time worrying about how "your" tax money is spent.

    July 7, 2014 at 7:43 PM

    Must be a School Board Central Office Employee if not Fredericksen.

  33. Do you know who Norman Conway's campaign treasurer is?

    Bonnie Walston from the Board of Education.

    Bonnies name was on several of those food purchases. You can bet Norman Conway is going to protect Bonnie and all the Democrats at the BOE.

  34. 9:32, Bonnie DID NOT spend all that money. Other people spent the money on her Card.

  35. Joe, after reading this article, I want to point out that you are only partially correct. OLA (Office of Legislative Audits) does complete multiple types of audits but neither of which are called "Fraud Audits". They do complete specific fraud investigations, however fraud is something that is closely reviewed in all of the audits they complete. You can be assured that as the audit of WCBOE was being completed, the auditors were vigilant in their review for fraud. You are correct that the use of gift cards is not proper which was notated in the Audit Report. However, without proof of purchases via the gift cards, OLA is not in the business of making assumptions. As for the meals that you have shown expenses for, I'm sure many were reviewed and either deemed to be proper (as employees are granted meals under certain circumstances) or immaterial as the few hundred dollars that could have been saved, pales in comparison to thousands of dollars that teachers pay out of their own pocket for their classrooms. I completely understand that stirring the pot and bringing these expenses to light is a great way to bring about change, but the "fake outrage" comments by readers are a bit much. Many people should look in the mirror and be sure that they are perfect before showing outrage of someone else’s actions

  36. You do not have to be perfect to resent a Board of Education that pleads poverty at every turn and then fails to be responsible stewards of the funds under their control.

  37. I'm still waiting for someone to explain why we need salaries for BOE superintendents totaling $1,000,000 when parents homeschooling their kids accomplish in giving their kids a decent education.

  38. Wicomico County and Maryland is on a crash and burn slide. People are leaving for more tax friendly states. More people moving here looking for a handout.

  39. 1:07. The vast majority of funding to public education is spent on at risk and special ed. students. A ton of money is also spent for employees who do nothing but try to keep out of control kids from ruining the schools for everybody else. Students who behave and want an education receive very little. Homeschooling them is not difficult.

  40. Ask John Fredericksen why he bought 5 FIVE brand new cars for Board employees because the 5 were worn out and needed replacement.

    Yes ask him about them and then asked him what he did with the 5 cars that were replaced.

    Four of those cars were given to other Board employees and only one was turned in to be auctioned off.

    If those four cars needed to be desperately replaced then why were they added to a fleet? Good question.

    Next year they will use the same cars and say we need 4 more new cars because these 4 are worn out!

    Catch my drift.

  41. JoeAlbero said...
    9:32, Bonnie DID NOT spend all that money. Other people spent the money on her Card.
    July 8, 2014 at 9:34 AM

    Then everyone who has a card didn't spend that money either if you use that rant.

    Why are you protecting Bonnie?

  42. 7:15, That is exactly right. Everyone on the cards we published did NOT spend all that money. I am NOT just protecting Bonnie. We have exposed this for months now. Why do you have such an issue with Bonnie???

  43. bob pinto said...
    I'm still waiting for someone to explain why we need salaries for BOE superintendents totaling $1,000,000 when parents homeschooling their kids accomplish in giving their kids a decent education.

    July 8, 2014 at 1:07 PM

    Bob Pinto where did you get this information from? You have been living under a rock for a long time because John Fredericksen makes $180,000 per year.

  44. Joe look at the first comment. The issue is with Bonnie being the treasurer for Norman Conway. That speaks volumes.

  45. Bonnie Walston is a very nice lady, but the fact that she is a big supporter and treasurer to Norman Conway's campaign really concerns me and many others.

  46. Bonnie Walston is a caring, ethical educator who has every right to a personal life that may or may not include political involvement in her community and state. Carrying on the position once held by her late husband speaks volumes about her devotion to him. Attacking the character of someone whose reputation is impeccable makes all criticisms of the WCBOE seem unfounded, and they most definitely are not. We must focus our attention on those "leaders" who need scrutiny and removal. That will keep all of us busy.



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