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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

White House Pursuing Plan to Expand Immigrant Rights

Even as President Obama grapples with the crisis of immigrant children arriving at the Southwest border, White House officials are laying the groundwork for a large-scale expansion of immigrant rights that would come by executive action within weeks.

Officials signaled strongly Friday that Obama's move would shield from deportation large numbers of immigrants living in the country illegally, as advocacy groups have demanded.

Roughly 5 million of the estimated 11 million people who entered the country without legal authorization or overstayed their visas could be protected under a leading option the White House is considering, according to officials who discussed the proposals on condition of anonymity.

Obama said last month that because Congress had failed to act on comprehensive immigration reform, he would take executive action to "fix as much of our immigration system as I can on my own."


  1. It needs no reform.

    Our immigration laws have served us well for 200 years.

    Then, enforcing them stopped.

    Free food, housing, and money were offered, and passage across the border was ignored.





  2. Obama has the illegal alien issue close to his heart, because after all, he is an illegal alien, he was born in Kenya, went to school here as a foreign student, and is holding the office as president, illegally!

  3. Gerald said...
    Obama has the illegal alien issue close to his heart, because after all, he is an illegal alien, he was born in Kenya, went to school here as a foreign student, and is holding the office as president, illegally!

    July 29, 2014 at 9:50 AM

    I have been saying that all along but people are to stupid to even listen to the facts. To stupid, but they were really concerned that Mitt Romney wouldn't show his tax returns. What an F*n joke these Americans are.

  4. One of these days the ignorant people who are sleeping are going to wake up and wonder how America became like the Hunger Games when they are controlled by a dictator and treated worse than slaves.

  5. where is the story about 117 little illegal border-jumping invaders that were shipped to the already overcrowded and underfunded Indian River School District?
    WBOC ran the story tonight and interviewed a Guatemalan illegal woman with her three anchor babies, who has been here eleven years and couldn't be bothered to learn English yet, but she said "Oh you greedy taxpayers, you haave to take care of the cheeldren". We're very likely providing her with a SNAP card, WIC, Medicaid, SCHIP for her meal ticket children, and possibly Section 8 as well.
    We are becoming second-class tax slaves in our own land..................

  6. Rights??!!! How about our right not to support ILLEGALS!!!!! Bunch of freakin' morons, wake up!!!!


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