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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

No Inflation? Another Liberal Lie

Paul Krugman, liberal New York Times columnist and economist whose erroneous predictions and inflammatory opinions have inspired websites, blogs and columns by others detailing his multitude miscalculations, launched a Buk missile of a column at conservatives warning of inflationary government policies.

Yes, the man who predicted with no uncertainty that Greece would give up the Euro and U.S. unemployment under Obama would never exceed 9 percent (the U-3 unemployment rose over 10 percent and “real” unemployment was around 16 percent for most of his term so far) has decided that there is no inflation and anyone who reports on such increases in costs of living or correctly applies historical results of governmental policies producing inflation needs a twelve-step program.

If Krugman really cared about his readers he would be honest about Americans’ cost of living instead of aiding and abetting this government’s pretense that the CPI (Consumer Price Index) is an accurate gauge of your family’s cost of living. After all, isn’t that what “inflation” really means to you?

The Federal Government keeps reporting inflation as under 2 percent. Yet to you and I who did not major in economics, when the cost of food increases by 22 percent that definitely is real-world inflation. Anything else is semantics. If your income hasn’t increased respective to your food budget increase then that is definitely information worth knowing.

Is the government purposely publishing a falsely low inflation number?



  1. Krugman = Krazy

    There is sleight of hand at work in how the stats are compiled and what is included/excluded.

    Gas has nearly doubled since January 2009.
    Cost of bread and cereal?
    Item after item...

  2. To answer the last question, Yes. The Obama regime is as fraudulent as he is personally. His presidency is built upon a facade of lies.
    The man is a Communist Muslim sympathizer with homosexual tendencies and an over inflated sense of self worth.
    Inflation is barely in check and has only been slowed by quantitative easing which is only prolonging the inevitable.
    This is the modus operandi of this regime and Democrats... "smoke and mirrors until you can blame someone else".

  3. we are all just frogs in the pot of soon to be boiling water


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