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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

What A Special Day To Be Gay

President Barack Obama will sign executive orders today to protect gay and transgender employees from discrimination. 

White House officials say the President will amend a 1965 directive that prohibits federal contractors from discriminating based on race, religion, gender or nationality in hiring. Obama will add sexual orientation and gender identity to the list. He'll amend a second directive to make clear federal agencies cannot discriminate against transgender employees. 

Officials tell the Associated Press, Obama will not remove an exemption for religious contractors that lets them hire only people of the same faith.


  1. What a faggot country we live in. There are so many times since he was elected that I can say for the first time in my life I am not proud to be an American. Actually there was only one time, but many times since then and it keeps getting worse.

  2. America is better with discrimination 6:41? Wrong

  3. 6:41
    You can leave. Please do. Our generation has no use for old jerks like you.

    In fact it would be better if homophobic people like yourself just went to Canada, home of the world's largest pride parade.

  4. 6:49 - there's a difference between tolerance and acceptance....I can tolerate someone's existence and not accept their behavior.

    It's the 'forced' acceptance that I have an issue with.

    Meanwhile 6:41 has a right to his opinion - and to share it...we should tolerate it as we all have the same freedoms!

    1. Did you learn about Alexander the Great in school?? "Forced acceptance"

  5. 1.6 % is a miniscule minority of lgbt perverts. They are sick, some criminally. They should have no more rights than anyone else.
    This has become the same as affirmative action which is an unjust reaction to a very minor issue. Tolerating and accepting are two different things.
    Just because lower standard people like 6:49 think it's ok to be queer does not mean it is.


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