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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Are You Looking For Work?

If you want a federal job, try the Housing and Urban Development Department. HUD is catching up after a multi-year hiring freeze in both headquarters and field offices. It plans to add 1,000 jobs by Oct. 1. It's about halfway through. Human resources officials tell Government Executive, competition is fierce. HUD receives more than 95 applications, on average, for each position. It expects to fill half of the jobs with people who already work at the department. Most job candidates identify themselves as minorities. About a quarter say they are veterans.

1 comment:

  1. That department is already so full of unqualified people filling gimme jobs.

    Between the hiring process and them wanting to hire more of their own (look up the organization known as BIG) - they won't hire anyone actually qualified as it would make them look bad!


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