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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The Bureaucratic Blob That Is Ruining America

American democracy in 2014 is “basically run by dead people – by past generations of legislators and regulators who wrote the laws and regulations that dictate today’s public policy,” says attorney Philip K. Howard in his latest book, The Rule of Nobody. Dead people “allocate most of the annual budgets and micromanage public choices. It’s not surprising that Washington works so badly. Imagine if you had to run a business by following every idea that any former manager ever had.”

The founder of Common Good, a reform activist group, Howard has made a career of trying to fix broken government, but he’s not just a voice in the wilderness. He has the ear of at least one person who may be poised to make changes in the future. Jeb Bush, a potential presidential candidate in 2016, cited Howard’s book, The Rule of Nobody, in a commencement address this year at Grove City College in Pennsylvania:

“He [Howard] compellingly talks about the confusing and complicated nature now of rulemaking at every level of government,” said Bush. “He argues that government itself is making America more inept. I agree. It seems to me that it’s time now for us to be bolder, to sunset the obsolete rules that exist so that the next generation can truly rise up.”


1 comment:

  1. A perfect Democratic/ Progressive take on trying to convince useful idiots to vote for new ideas contrary to the Constitution and Bill of rights.

    Only people ignorant of the founding fathers, The Federalist Papers, the Declaration of Independence, and finally the Constitution and its following Bill of rights will lend an ear to this drivel, but as we all know, our education system is aimed at just that end.

    A total shame on us as a nation, but this is how it will end, if we let it happen. Common Core is the next enemy.


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