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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

He Pulled Over a Fellow Police Officer for Speeding. What Happened Next Had More Cops Rushing to the Scene.

It started simply enough: Miami police officer Marcel Jackson saw a car speeding, and after he chased it down for a few blocks the car pulled over.

But things quickly got crazy — and Jackson wound up suspended because of it, WPLG-TV reported.

“I stopped him… because he approached a pedestrian,” Jackson said on a recorded phone call afterwards. “He was flying, so I pulled him over.”

Jackson approached the vehicle and made contact with the driver.



  1. That aint nutin' - Edison Township, N.J. the last 40 years ... DUI in police car, assaulting ea. other & families, & officers of surrounding municipalities ... & that's the short version !

  2. Speeding is speeding, no matter who is doing it. And he, of ALL people, should know to stay seated in your car and DO NOT push open the door to get out and confront an armed officer!

    He deserved hid throw down and the dog wrestling from backup! If it were me who had not shown I.D. of any kind shouting I was a freaking GENERAL, I would expect the ground pounding until at least a minute or two past when I decided to stop shouting and resisting, and crying like a baby!

    This "Lieutenant" needs to go back to Cop School, and also Driver's Ed.

    The other officers present can "cover" for his absence very well, thank you.

  3. So the officer that was doing his job gets suspended. The officer that was breaking the law gets reassigned.

  4. kops are even bullies to each other

  5. There was an article on SbyNews a little while back where the header caption said something like "Cops Are Out of Control".., well, you've just seen yet another instance where that headline can be confirmed.

  6. Officer Jackson set up the Lt. It's more than obvious and you idiots are to stupid to see it. You have no idea what the Lt. told him only what Homey told his buddy on the phone and you idiots fell for it.

  7. Anonymous said...
    Officer Jackson set up the Lt. It's more than obvious and you idiots are to stupid to see it. You have no idea what the Lt. told him only what Homey told his buddy on the phone and you idiots fell for it.

    July 16, 2014 at 10:12 PM

    Yes, that's correct. Everyone else is an idiot except you. You are the know it all to end know it alls.

    All hail.


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