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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

St. Paul's Episcopal Church In Hebron Destroyed By Fire

The St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Hebron that was destroyed by fire yesterday had celebrated their 240th anniversary in September 2013. I have included pictures from their facebook page that were taken during their 240th anniversary celebration. (click READ MORE below to see the pictures).

If you are interested in the complete history of this church along with the memorial for the 4 chaplains you can find information by clicking HERE



  1. Such a loss of history is always very sad. It was an Episcopal church named St Paul's as well that was affected by a fire in Ocean City last year.

  2. This fire is fishy.

  3. That building can never be replaced. And by the looks of it, I doubt it sustains enough parishioners to rebuild.

  4. I can remember when it was built.

  5. 116 ever hear of insurance fool

  6. Wasn't there a farmer doing a "controlled burn" right before it happened? That's what the Daily Times says. Coincidence?

  7. "I can remember when it was built."

    How OLD are you???

  8. I just rode over on my bike. The building is a complete loss! There is absolutely nothing left. Feel kind of sad to see such a wonderful part of Maryland history go up in smoke. They could rebuild, but it will never be same. This is beyond restoration.


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