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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Gov. Martin O'Malley Headed Back To Iowa For Fundraisers

ANNAPOLIS, Md. —Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley is returning to Iowa for fundraisers this weekend.

The Democratic governor, who is considering running for president, is scheduled to attend a fundraiser on Saturday morning and another early Saturday afternoon for two Iowa state Senate candidates.

Then O'Malley is headed to Omaha, Nebraska, on Saturday night to be the keynote speaker at the Nebraska Democratic Party's annual Morrison Exon Dinner.



  1. Does this moron really think he has a chance?!!

  2. Get ready, he's a serious candidate for POTUS. Will be the next VPOTUS under Hillary.

  3. Who is paying for all these fundraising trips across the nation?
    Not him, bet your life on that.

  4. Please tell me he is flying on Malaysian Airlines.

  5. SHHHH,With any luck Iowa will keep the damn fool!

  6. Get that retirement cushion Marty. If the people are that stupid to give you donations, rape their wallet!

  7. O.Malley's arrogance is second only to our president (Obama). We go down in history as one of the worst governors in Maryland's history.

  8. O'Malley's arrogance is second only to president Obama's. Will go down in history as one of the worst governor's in Maryland. His ego and arrogance is obnoxious, he needs a reality check.

  9. The people/voters are stupid. They voted for one no-nothing; why not vote for another.

  10. I pray he doesn't waste time and money running for president! He has taken Maryland down, down , down and we don't need our country in worse shape than its in now.. In my opinion he is the PITS!!!


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