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Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Sheriff Warns of Second American Revolution if Guns Are Banned

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke has been one of the strongest voices opposing gun control among law enforcement officers. He’s repeatedly warned that if the government tries to disarm the American people, things could get nasty.

He made this point on an appearance on Fox News, saying that he wouldn’t want to be the one to confiscate guns because “he doesn’t want to get shot. His opinion is pretty common among law enforcement, as Colorado sheriffs are also refusing to enforce that state’s tough new gun control laws.



  1. Liberals have pushed enough.

    Conservatives will enforce the Constitution even if they won't.

  2. The Brits tried outlawing our guns....ask 'em what happened....

  3. I've got my Constitutional enforcer right here in my hand.., L&L.., bring it and you really will have a reason to 'fear for your life'.

  4. There is war coming. Lock and load.

  5. so... the Sheriff can choose which laws he wants to enforce and which ones to not enforce? I think I have heard that before somewhere...

  6. @3:57-The sheriff is doing his duty to uphold the Constitution he swore to uphold. You're just way too stupid to understand the difference.


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