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Sunday, July 13, 2014

Salisbury Mayor Jim Ireton Attacks Congressman Andy Harris Again

Jim is using his harvested email account from his campaign to attack our Congressman Andy Harris with this editorial from the Baltimore Sun.


It concerns his actions against the residents of Washington, D.C.:

"There are several notable elements in this imbroglio. First, anyone who believes that Dr. Harris might change his mind because of a potential economic threat to his district doesn’t know Dr. Harris, a man not given to self-doubt or the concerns of others. This is someone who actively fights against efforts by the EPA to reduce pollution flowing into the Chesapeake Bay and to forestall the effects of climate change and rising sea levels, either of which would be far more ruinous to his waterfront district than a mere summer boycott.

More remarkable is that Dr. Harris, a reliable Club For Growth and tea party acolyte who so often preaches against an overbearing federal government, is so proud to have thwarted the will of District residents. The decriminalization measure has the support of 80 percent of the populace, according to a recent poll." - Jim

Authority: Ireton for Maryland. William C. Duck, Jr., Treasurer


  1. Is this guy for real?
    I'm sure he and Jerry Brown (Governor Moonbeam) would get along great together!

  2. Oh Ireton shove it! Dr Andy Harris has accomplished more than you ever will in your lifetime. The only people who care what you have to say are the stupid people in Salisbury and there are a lot of them, proven by them electing you as mayor as well the cess pool Salisbury has become and continues to become, so stop offering up your opinion and keep it local where the people are clearly of not only a lower class level but intellectually inferior as well.

  3. Irelton is a NON-FACTOR and has no relievance or creditability. Much like Al Sharpton, people like Irelton do more harm (to themselves)by opening their mouth. No one cares what they say.

  4. No class at all!

  5. One day Salisbury might grow up to be an actual City and decent place to live. When it rids itself of the ignorant backwoods lazy butt kissing ignorantly uneducated.

  6. Hey Ronald, Salisbury will be a better place when we get all of the bleeding heart liberals like you out of office. In the mean time, why don't you go back to that urban jungle you came from!

  7. That's rich, dogging for the Bay pollution. I guess he has nothing to do with the WWTP, or the people who "manage" (Read:Collect a paycheck for not knowing wtf they're doing) it?

  8. Yes, and damned if the Republicans aren`t glad he isn`t a member of their ranks.

  9. To Jim Ireton. Shutup and do your job as Mayor of Salisbury. If you were a Republican...I still wouldn't vote for you.

  10. I really am concerned about the children he teaches. He's not well educated and runs on emotions. Not a good combination.

  11. pray is what he needs (we all do)

  12. when is his term up?

  13. Ireton is not writing these things. Read his press releases, his quotes in the paper. He talks like an over-excited child.

    Seriously, "imbroglio"?

    Ireton doesn't know the meaning or pronunciation of that word.

    Trying very hard to sound like O'Malley in this. "I'm a big, tough Democrat. I know how to go on the political attack against Republicans."

    It really is sickening how much time this clown has spent on things other than dealing with Salisbury's problems.

  14. Anonymous said...
    pray is what he needs (we all do)

    July 10, 2014 at 9:09 PM

    He is a homo who hates religion, especially the Catholic Church. He will never pray.

  15. Ireton thinks he is so popular and that everyone he stole their emails from believes in him. What a goof ball. Everyone should reply back to him, but most of gullible and quite ignorant.

  16. DR. Harris stands heads and shoulders over Mayor Ireton in intellect and class.
    Mayor your credibility is linked to your support of the new "slang" name for Salisbury.. the "Bury".
    With the adoption of this monicker you have put Salisbury even further into ghetto parlance.
    "Thank you" Mayor and the other leaders who support(ed) this.

  17. Jim Ireton is not a mayor just like Obama is not a president. They are both nothing, but mere pieces of human excrement.


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