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Sunday, July 13, 2014

Furious Texas Mom Goes Off Over Influx of Illegal Immigrants During Unfiltered TV Interview: ‘Really? Why Can’t They Go Back?’

Houston mom Bernadette Lancelin says she’s furious that the White House wants to spend billions of dollars to feed and house thousands of unaccompanied immigrant children who have entered the United States illegally.

“What about the kids here? In our neighborhood? Not just in this neighborhood but in our country,” she told KTRK-TV. “All these kids? Really? Why can’t they go back?”



  1. TRUE AMERICAN....I like her....

  2. Bernadette baby you got every right to be pissed off but you'r not alone.

  3. it's only going to get worse!!

  4. Unfortunately, and I do mean that, kids from countries that are not contiguous to the United States must be given a hearing in front of the judicial system as mandated by U.S. law prior to being sent home. This has been the law for nearly 7 years. Due to a shortage of judges and lawyers the wait time is approaching years rather than months.

    Complaining about the kids being here does not solve anything. If we are a nation of laws we cannot pick and choose the laws we wish to uphold. In a democracy we have to concern ourselves with changing the law. That there is the rub...we have to go through Congress.

    1. The US is not a Democracy. It is a constitutional republic. Big difference

  5. You got what you asked for. Next time vote Republican. You think President Bush would have allowed this to happen in his state.

  6. She should be President,she has common sense.

  7. I would bet that 95% of the people in her neighborhood, along with her, voted for Obama. They are now getting what they deserve.

  8. I wish more Americans were paying attention like she is. If you look at the background of the video it's obviously that school is in a very depressed, poverty stricken, crime ridden area.
    I would rather see people like her get extra money to help them get out of the war zones of the inner cities because it's clear she cares.

  9. You clowns seem to be clueless about the laws surrounding this issue or who is actually responsible for changing these laws.

  10. Clueless? Yes! Clowns? Probably!

  11. To anonymous 4:10, your president and |enate majority pick and chose which laws to enforce and follow so what makes them any different from you or I? They are here illegaly, child or adult, they do not belong to be here period! What do you think would happen if we entered their country illegally?

  12. There may be laws regarding how to treat an occasional unaccompanied minor, but to "invite and provide a tunnel for" these children is a criminal, treasonous act perpetrated by out Nigerian Dictator. This is WAAAAY different!

    It's an attack on out nation's health policies, and economics.

  13. Thank you, Ma'am, for dong what's right! I, too am livid at the situation. Thanks now, the cat's out of the bag!

  14. What do you have an IQ somewhere in the imbecilic range? FYI-Law concerning those who illegal cross the US borders are on the books and are clear! You got it! They are not being enforce by the INS who get their instructions from their "boss" the president. You got it! Now go away and come back when you wise up. I don't do ignoramuses very well.

  15. Unfortunately, and I do mean that, kids from countries that are not contiguous to the United States must be given a hearing in front of the judicial system as mandated by U.S. law prior to being sent home. This has been the law for nearly 7 years. Due to a shortage of judges and lawyers the wait time is approaching years rather than months.

    Mexico isn't contiguous to the U.S.? Did Mexico move or something? lol

    And like someone has already corrected you on, DOJ picks and chooses which laws to prosecute and which lawbreakers to go after and which ones to leave alone.

    P.S.: You were rude to that other guy mooch.

  16. Most people doesn't know how hard it is to get into the country legally. I am an legal immigrant and to get into this country I had to get a job in the united states and keep that job for an year which paid minimum wage while I made triple back in my native country and even with this it took 5 years to get in. I hate it when the illegal immigrants gets here and they get so much better treatment for not knowing the difficult of getting into this country

  17. Anon 9:42, thanks for being patient with the system and welcome to the United States! I have no problem with anyone coming here the right way and welcome them all!

  18. Anonymous said...
    You clowns seem to be clueless about the laws surrounding this issue or who is actually responsible for changing these laws.

    July 10, 2014 at 6:21 PM

    Oh yes Chuck Cook you would die before you would go against Obama on anything.

  19. Anonymous said...
    She should be President,she has common sense.

    July 10, 2014 at 4:55 PM

    But she voted for him 17 times.

  20. 9:10-It's the trafficking victims law you are referring to, signed under President Bush. Of course Obama's blaming Bush but fails to mention it's being exploited and misused under Obama admin and that is why this influx of children coming in the past several years now resulting in this crisis. The law states the illegals are to be released from custody while awaiting the deportation hearing. In the case of a minor this means to a family member or another responsible adult and not held in detention facilities which essentially means they are still in US custody.

  21. >>> If we are a nation of laws we cannot pick and choose the laws we wish to uphold. <<< Are you serious??? This administration has been 'picking and choosing' which laws they wish to uphold since placed in office. We have not been 'a nation of laws' for some time. I have my doubts that this bastard is even legally eligible to BE president, so don't start carping about the law now.


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