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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Pittsville Water STINKS

Yesterday morning I stopped by a friends house in Pittsville. They came out of the house with a jar of water and said, "smell this". I opened the lid and OMG, the stench of chlorine was extremely overpowering. 

They told me they cannot take showers in the morning because they cannot breathe in the shower. 

After leaving I started heading towards Rt. 50. As I drove down the road with my window open I could again smell the overpowering odor of chlorine. I thought, where the heck is that coming from. It turns out someone was using their sprinkler on the front yard.

Now, people have to PAY for City/Town water, yet they CANNOT use it. HOW STUPID IS THAT!


  1. They need a bigger upgraded system. Water is being used at too rapid a rate and the chlorine can't dissipate fast enough. Someone dropped the ball and allowed too many hookups.

  2. Pittsville stinks period.

  3. I don't visit Station 7 Restaurant very much because of this. All of their fountain soft drinks taste horrible. (like dish water) They used to have bottled root beer that I'd drink, but since they don't have anything bottled anymore except alcohol, I just stopped going.

    I told them time and time again to buy their own water filtering system for the soda foutain and they didnt' listen.

  4. I noticed that while driving by on Rt 50.It was as if an elephant had farted.Or maybe a herd of elephants.

  5. The water is not the only thing that stinks. There is a bigger STINK coming.

  6. 2:04
    Do tell what big stink you are talking about.

  7. Has anyone complained to the Town ? Just wondering and if so what they said.

  8. Another SATURDAY, another round of stinkin' TEA colored water, enough to RUIN the laundry, AGAIN!

    The $$ we are paying for water and sewer are outrageous for what we receive. Where is our money going?

    How do we request a state audit and investigation? Let me know and I'm pretty sure I can guarantee many letters will reach the appropriate location.

  9. Blogger Jim said...
    Has anyone complained to the Town ? Just wondering and if so what they said.

    July 23, 2014 at 6:35 PM
    Complaints fall on deaf ears, not even good lip service as a response.

  10. 2:55 You can bring it over to my house.lol There is enough bleach to get those tea stains out. It must be only certain places that have the tea problems and certain places that have the bleach smell. I guess as long as the ones running the town have decent water the rest of us don't matter.

  11. 6:35
    Yes and I got several different excuses each time.
    They never flush the lines anymore. I think the brown water is coming from all the bleach that is going through the pipes and creating a sediment. Im sure the bleach is also not kind to any metal pipe that is underground.


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