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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Ben Carson on 2nd Amendment: People Can ‘Protect Themselves From an Overly Aggressive Gov’t’

Dr. Ben Carson, a retired neurosurgeon and the author of six best-selling books, said the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution was put there so Americans could support the military, if needed, during a domestic invasion but “more importantly, so that people could protect themselves from an overly aggressive government, if that ever happened.”

Carson added that gun rights under the 2nd Amendment are “vitally important,” that he “would never compromise the 2nd Amendment in any way,” and that one of the first things dictators do is confiscate people’s weapons, which “we don’t ever want to allow” in America.

Carson, awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2008, made his remarks on July 19 at the three-day Western Conservative Summit 2014, held at Colorado Christian University in Denver, Colo.

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