You don't have to be terror suspect to be chosen
The Obama administration has quietly rewritten the rules on how it goes about designating Americans as terrorists, according to a new report by Glenn Greenwald’s Intercept online investigations project.
The report details how Obama has expanded the terrorist watchlist system, “authorizing a secret process that requires neither ‘concrete facts’ nor ‘irrefutable evidence’ to designate an American or foreigner as a terrorist,” according to a key government document obtained by the Intercept.
Instead of actual evidence, all the government needs is the nebulous “reasonable suspicion,” which is considered one of the lowest standards of proof in the American legal system. It’s less than “probable cause,” which is required to make an arrest.
Greenwald, a former investigative reporter for the U.K.-based Guardian who broke the Edward Snowden story about NSA spying on Americans, left the newspaper late last year to start the Intercept.
I have a "reasonable suspicion" Obama is a fraud!
ReplyDeleteI have a "reasonable suspicion" Obama is committing treasonous acts against the people and constitution of the U.S.A.
I have a "reasonable suspicion" many in the Obama regime are breaking laws established by congress.
I have a "reasonable suspicion" DEMOCRATS are ignorant for supporting the Obama regime and the destruction of America.
I have a "reasonable suspicion", more like "probable cause" to believe that what we are headed for will make China and North Korea so envious they will apply to become our 51st and 52nd state.
ReplyDeleteI want SOMEONE to come on here, and in a sentence that includes the words "the Constitution" tell me how in the hell anyone can justify warrantless searches, secret trials, secret and INFEFINITE 'detention' (no charges or trial necessary), confiscation of over 5 billion dollars in cash and property from Americans EACH YEAR, again, no charges or trial necessary and even further, the citizen must PROVE HIS INNOCENCE! to get any of it back (!), the recording and storage of every single American's electronic communications (all of them), Nazi checkpoints (stop or die) used against INNOCENT citizens by police LOOKING for possible crimes (!??), "stop and frisk" of hundreds of thousands of INNOCENT citizens merely walking down the street while committing NO CRIME (resist and perhaps get killed), unmarked trucks cruising through neighborhoods and using backscatter X-rays to peer into EVERY HOUSE (again, INNOCENT citizens being searched), and a HOST of other things that would Hitler seem like a used car salesman.
My, my. I think Thomas Jefferson would be quite surprised at what we have allowed our "leaders" to do to us.
You keep cheering though.
I'll keep buying ammo.
We'll see which one turns out to be the smart move.
I'm probably on that list.
ReplyDeletewe know lmclain is! Because he is right!
ReplyDeleteObama is on the top of this list in my book...stock up... be prepared