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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Maryland Solicits Foster Parents For Migrant Youths As O’Malley Meets With Faith Leaders

Maryland stepped up its efforts Monday to recruit foster parents and solicit other assistance from the public to help with the flood of unaccompanied migrant children coming into the country from Central America.

An appeal for help was posted on the state Web site as Gov. Martin O’Malley (D) met in Annapolis with a group of religious leaders for the second time in as many weeks to talk about ways to assist the federal government with the crisis.

O’Malley administration officials also indicated that they had passed along several potential temporary housing sites to the federal government and that Montgomery County was among the jurisdictions that could host a facility.



  1. There should be no soliciting needed. Every single person who supports omally should be in line to foster one or more of these children as well as every single democrat politician. This won't happen though. All democrats talk a good game but when it comes to action they are useless. Quite frankly they are useless as people in general as they have never contributed anything positive to society ever. Not to mention they promote dishonesty, lying, immoral behaviours-all around evil people.

  2. Someone must have told him his position in the next administration is in jeopardy, if he doesn't accept the illegals. He has now flipped his script, and offering possible locations to BURDEN the communities that surround it? Fraud. Crook. Phony.

  3. I know why the religious leaders are getting involved.

  4. Looking for homes for these children is a pedophiles dream come true. In a few years there will sexual abuse lawsuits which also will be a dream come true for the lawyers.......The taxpayers of America will be paying at both ends......

  5. don't believe a word of it faith based organizations are just fronts to receive government funding ...since when do real churches and religious organizations accept funding to support importation of legal citizens to suck funding from tax paying citizens..call every representative you can think of to complain ...this madness has gotta stop ...we already have fiscal problems ...we dont WANT any additional burdens on an already stressed school medical and wefare systems...what is wrong with these people

  6. The Lutheran Social Services has imported so many Somalians that entire neighborhoods have been taken over by them in Minnesota cities...I understand humanitarian aid but selling out your own country is treasonous.


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