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Sunday, July 20, 2014

Obama Air


  1. you know, i think people should be a bit more annoyed that Mexico is letting all of the illegals get through the country without being stopped or turned back.
    It is not a small country and they have pretty strict immigration laws that are actively enforced so all these illegals from South America getting through is the government letting them through.

  2. 1:45
    Have you ever been at a grocery store on Friday and see the line at Western Union? They make money here and send it back to Mexico. Of course they are not going to stop all the money coming into their country.

  3. Holy cow you two at least educate yourselves on the issue.

    Nearly all of these illegal immigrants are from Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua, which are all in CENTRAL America. Mexico is not their home, and Mexico has about as much authority to do anything as the United States does.

  4. shoot. Thats how us Americans would be treated. To the top of the plane. The illegals will get a first class ticket home.

  5. 2:03
    Unfortunately a large percentage of our population considers anyone from south of Texas to be Mexican. Merica!

  6. You all sure do have good eyesight.I can't tell by looking at the photo what nationality they are.

  7. Hwy would they want to stop them! Isn't it easier for the US to feed and house them than Mexico have to spend money on them?

  8. 203, the point made by the first commenter is YES, since Mexico, who has borders with countries OTHER THAN the US has such strict immigration laws, but are letting undocumented Hondurans, Guatemalans, and Nicaraguans into Mexico freely to be transported and poured across the US border, they (The Mexican Government)are acting as paid gatekeepers and human traffickers.

    Holy cow could you at least what they write before you complain?

  9. 2:03
    But they are still coming thru Mexico. They have to cross the border somewhere. Are Mexico's borders as open as ours?

  10. 2:03 Perhaps you are the ignorant one. Mexico has immigration laws as well. We have a US Marine in jail in Mexico because he crossed the border without a visa. Don't feed us with that liberal crap!

  11. Anonymous said...
    Have you ever been at a grocery store on Friday and see the line at Western Union? They make money here and send it back to Mexico. Of course they are not going to stop all the money coming into their country.

    July 18, 2014 at 1:49 PM

    Go to Walmart any night of the week and see all the Hispanic illegals in line with more groceries than I can afford. And they by them with that nice orange credit card at our expense.

    The commenter is wrong they don't make the money here they take the money in the form of welfare.

    Thank you to the dumb idiots that keep voting for Democrats like Obama, O'Malley and Ireton.

  12. Anonymous said...
    Holy cow you two at least educate yourselves on the issue.

    Nearly all of these illegal immigrants are from Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua, which are all in CENTRAL America. Mexico is not their home, and Mexico has about as much authority to do anything as the United States does.

    July 18, 2014 at 2:03 PM

    A soft hearted liberal idiot who isn't paying attention. The one commenter was questioning why Mexico isn't enforcing their own immigrations laws, but you were to quick to defend Obama and the Democrats that you didn't notice. I bet you think they are children also. How do you know where these illegal aliens are from? Because the liberal media it trying to make you believe they are from somewhere other than Mexico?

    You liberal idiots make me SICK!!

  13. Most hispanics I see at the store are paying with cash. Try sneaking into Mexico being an american and see what happens to you!

  14. Holy smokes - is this for real? (I get the that the name on the plain is fake, but are people really sitting on top of the plain?)

  15. 2:03 What ever your are smoking, I want some. You obviously are right down stupid.

  16. Anonymous said...
    Holy smokes - is this for real? (I get the that the name on the plain is fake, but are people really sitting on top of the plain?)

    July 18, 2014 at 6:33 PM

    God I hope your joking.

  17. @ 6:33 They are allowed to fly on the roof only in warm weather and no rain.

  18. Anonymous said...
    Most hispanics I see at the store are paying with cash. Try sneaking into Mexico being an american and see what happens to you!

    July 18, 2014 at 5:35 PM

    You are obviously not paying attention. Of course they are paying with cash sometimes. They work under the table and then collect welfare, food stamps and Medicaid. Quit defending them you moron.

  19. Anonymous said...
    Holy smokes - is this for real? (I get the that the name on the plain is fake, but are people really sitting on top of the plain?)

    July 18, 2014 at 6:33 PM


  20. Yes they sit on top of the "plain" and never get sucked in to that tail engine, except during turbulence and on flights that serve alcohol.

    Just so you know for next time...

  21. Smoking section I presume.

  22. OMG that is funny LOL

  23. America's Transformation in effect...July 20, 2014 at 3:14 PM

    Criminals, the Sickly and the Non-Working are being brought in by King Obama...

  24. Soul Plane. Or is it Plain?


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