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Sunday, July 20, 2014

Join us for 3rd Friday - Downtown Master Plan

The Downtown Master Plan is in development and we still need your input to truly make this a community vision.

Please join us tomorrow, Friday July 18 for 3rd Friday. We will be in the Parker Place building at the corner of the plaza and Market Street.

Our designers who are developing the final plan will be present to hear your thoughts and to learn from you. As you can see below, there are several other ongoing downtown projects. So much is happening right now and it is important that we develop a community-driven plan for the next 20 years of downtown's progress.


  1. None of you will go....and then you'll bitch about whatever the plans are...and then complain when things start happening....

  2. My family and I love 3rd Fridays

  3. Nobody cares about the downtown. It's one road. Nobody goes there and that won't change. There are many other places that could use some help.

  4. Any plans to develop downtown is a waste of time and money. That are is dead and cannot be revived.

  5. To those of you thinking and even those of you commenting, take the time to go and see what is being proposed for Downtown.

    Come on now, I spent a LOT of my personal time and effort during the election to finally put words into ACTION referencing Downtown and no matter who's ideas that are being proposed, SOMETHING IS GETTING DONE.

    One thing I had to sit back and think about and even learn to accept is the fact that even though I personally may not agree with everything being done or proposed, it is the YOUNGER generation that is actually getting involved.

    WE, (as in older folks) may not accept their ideas but they are the future and change is always difficult to accept.

    I am excited for Jake Day and ALL of the people involved in Downtown. It is EASY to sit back and say they will fail. Therefore I applaud them for their hard work, efforts and ideas.

    YOU have every opportunity to CONVENIENTLY visit 3rd Friday tonight and see what they have in store.

    You can always come back on here and tell us, they wouldn't listen to you or your ideas. OR, they were very open to my ideas.

    I hope you take advantage of this opportunity.

  6. Well said Joe. Thanks for the positive vibes.

  7. Hey how about something being built for the people of salisbury that will actually be used and enjoyed by many. I'm not talking about a bar, cafe, etc... I mean a decent park, community pool, dog park, stuff for kids. There is no feeling of "community" in this town.

  8. 11:59, What, there's not enough Parks in Salisbury, seriously?

    Where else are the ADULT areas?

    There is EVERYTHING you mentioned already in Salisbury.

  9. Save it Joe. You did the smart thing and got OUT!!! No need to try and sell me on the BS. Let the vagrants, dealers, and flea market shorebilly's have it.

  10. HUD housing, thats all that needs to be said.

  11. I agree 12:22. Everything they are proposing is reliant on one thing and that is an abundance of jobs that pay well.
    For whatever reason the study of demographics is a foreign concept to them. They think (just as they did when they closed the streets for the plaza) that just because something was a success somewhere else it will automatically be successful in Salisbury. They hear one success story and jump on it and the reality is for every success there are multiple failures.
    It's not about "change" and not being able to accept it at all. For one thing change isn't always good especially change that isn't well thought out.
    It about making the same mistakes over and over without learning a thing. Salisbury is it's own unique city. It's surrounded by rural areas, is home to many rental properties and has a lower income level. Demographics are the most important factors. You can't copy another areas revitalization efforts without carefully considering these things.

  12. Here is the problem with a community pool in Salisbury. Too man kids with no parental supervision will take over. It would be the local hangout for black kids and white people would not go.

  13. If part of the plan is to remove the parking meters, I will be there supporting it all the way.

    Without that, the rest of the town will be attracting all the business, and the downtown will be section 8 housing with no businesses.

    After all, section 8's don't have cars anyway, and just hang on the front porch anyway. Might be a few food stamp stores and some beer and wines there.

  14. Lipstick on a pig.

  15. I like the concept, but as always nothing will happen.

  16. "Anonymous said...
    Here is the problem with a community pool in Salisbury. Too man kids with no parental supervision will take over. It would be the local hangout for black kids and white people would not go.

    July 18, 2014 at 4:50 PM"

    Never change, SBYNews readers. It's this level of civil discourse I keep coming back for.

  17. Oh please 9:31, get out from under your rock and go and see how it is in the real US.
    When you liberals can't handle the truth (and it's the truth and you know God damn right well it is) you attempt to turn it on the truth teller.
    What will never change are people like you who can't come back with a fact based comment showing how incorrect the comment was so you use defection.
    This tactic will work with your liberal crowd but we have your number around here.

  18. Anonymous said...
    Here is the problem with a community pool in Salisbury. Too man kids with no parental supervision will take over. It would be the local hangout for black kids and white people would not go.

    July 18, 2014 at 4:50 PM

    Thugs that can't swim so they will overtake the shallow end and it will be difficult to enjoy the pool with your infants and toddlers. Plus who is going to pay for their membership.

    I could not support a tax payer funded community pool regardless.

  19. Anonymous said...
    Oh please 9:31, get out from under your rock and go and see how it is in the real US.
    When you liberals can't handle the truth (and it's the truth and you know God damn right well it is) you attempt to turn it on the truth teller.
    What will never change are people like you who can't come back with a fact based comment showing how incorrect the comment was so you use defection.
    This tactic will work with your liberal crowd but we have your number around here.

    July 20, 2014 at 10:42 AM

    It's liberals proposing this worthless concept. You just proved you are an idiot and an uniformed conservative. Change party's moron.

  20. I'm not a big fan of the contemporary style of the proposed buildings. It would be dated in about 10 years. Plus, we have some beautiful old architecture in this town. My preference would be to build on that. Not afraid of change, but we should all be aware by now that 'change' is not always for the better.

  21. Sorry but I can't get one bit excited over any of their ideas.
    Residential as well as commercial units are at an all time vacancy in Salisbury and the surrounding area. Businesses that are dependent on the local economy are closing just as fast as new ones are opening.
    I know many scoffed at Joe's idea of a water park but capitalizing on the 200,000 or more people in OC on any given summer day is the only thing that makes sense because at this point in time the local economy is so bad.

  22. Curious to see what ends up going in if anything in your old building Joe. JG Wentworth has filed a suit against the new owner.

  23. I think it's great!!!!

  24. The drawing were a bunch of pretty pictures that I guess are a starting point but very unrealistic. Since Salisbury is apparently famous for tearing down buildings and going modern I guess that's why no original facades were even hinted at in the drawings. I am so glad that private industry is moving in to do all of this but then again to quote Wayne and Garth from Wayne's World "Monkeys will fly out my-----" Pretty useless but I guess some people are entertained.


    It is all about spending money anyway they can for any reason they can... Because they HAVE TOO...

    NOT because our local politicians have a spending complex, they kind of do, but the main reason to spend wastefully as our city and others have is because they are being forced to do it if they want to move up in rank within the political scene...

    If you want to be mayor you have to do what the mayor does and in return, if you want to be County Exec you have to do and act like Rick Pollet... If you want to be governor you have to tax the shit out of people like O'faily has and Brown will... Why do you think O'faily picked Brown in the first place? If you want to be president like O'faily does, you have to be and act like Obama bin laden does...

    The other main reason for them wastefully spending the money is NOT because they are idiots because we know they are, but to show that there is NO MONEY LEFT IN THE GENERAL FUND so they can RAISE TAXES ON YOU EVERY YEAR....

    I mean look at how cost of living has gone up, look at how health care has gone up, look at how everything has gone up... HAS your pay gone up? NO, has your benefits gone up? NO... Funny how no one has money yet the govt keeps spending it and wasting it and while you pay for it and struggle and lose jobs and your house and the like they VOTE THEMSELVES A PAY INCREASE EVERY DAMN YEAR...

    WE HAVE people with no jobs and people starving in the streets yet they want to spend billions to house and make citizens some millions of illegals...

    The problem is the govt but the MAIN PROBLEM IS YOU THE PEOPLE FOR ALLOWING IT TO HAPPEN, FOR HELP MAKING IT HAPPEN AND FOR SITTING THERE WAITING FOR SOME KNIGHT TO SAVE THE FUCKIGN DAY.... YOU all want to blame someone, then blame yourselves because you are uneducated, you refuse to reasearch shit you comment on and YOU NEVER EVER GIVE REASONS OR EVIDENCE to one thing or another...

    I can tell you anything they do to the downtown WILL NOT WORK... IT is to expensive down here for anything and most of the people who come here are of the poorer nature... They are here to catch a ride on the bus system or for the court system PERIOD!!! when you have nothing but lawyers here who charge you 1k to 2k to just show the fuck up to court, then the businesses here on the plaza cater to them and their money, HIGH PRICES FOR THINGS...

  26. Salisbury isnt coming back....the shore isnt coming back.....tooo much has been lost and you are not going to attract real paying jobs to the area they are going south.....look at allthe companies heading south......the shore is trapped in the no progress lane and its just the begining wait a year.......

  27. I got my tax bill. Did you?


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