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Thursday, July 03, 2014

Megyn Kelly Delivers Knockout Punch to Libs Over Hobby Lobby

Megyn Kelly responded to the Hobby Lobby freakout by liberal woman’s activist Sandra Fluke, by saying this is not a “war on women” as Fluke says it is. “This is about the attempted war on the religious right.”

Fluke is intentionally publicizing false facts about the result of the Hobby Lobby decision to cause a stir. She forgets to mention that this is a decision upheld by a democratic order that was introduced into Congress by Bill Clinton, that states that due to religious beliefs, companies do not have to abide by all of Obamacare’s mandates.

Hobby Lobby in this instance still is providing 16 of the 20 types of birth control to its employees; it is just refusing to pay for 4 types of abortion pills that terminate an already fertilized egg.

As always, be sure you hear all the information and not just what the liberal pundits want you to know. Stay informed.



  1. Sandra Fluke is the perfect useful idiot.

  2. only libs are stupid and closeminded enough to believe the trash presented to them without question.
    The rest of us actually use our brain fo something other than a hat rack.

  3. I have intentionally stayed out of the fray because I really get dizzy trying to decide which part of government should tell us what to do with out bodies. Ugh.....is it just me?

  4. Seems to me liberal women need guidance from government.

  5. If I was a business owner I should be able to offer my employees what I think is best and affordable. If you don't like my benefits then don't work for me.

  6. There are four things women can do. Stop working for these businesses. Stop buying their products. Buy your own form of birth control. Or, tell your husbands and/or boy friends that your Vr-j-jay is on ice until you get their support from the men in your life. Further, women keep your mouth shut.

  7. I am an employer who thinks I have no business being an insurance broker to my employees. If I had wanted to be an insurance broker, I would have studied that in school, gotten my license, and sold insurance for a living.

    And that would have saved me from being in business in this stinking suffering construction economy.

    Can I get an AMEN?


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