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Thursday, July 03, 2014

Chris Christie's Opinion on SCOTUS' Hobby Lobby Ruling: 'Who Knows?'


  1. As a "Lawmaker", you SHOULD know the answer.

    The fact that you don't shows what an pushover idiot you are.

  2. I, for one, have just about had it with the press. EVERY question they ask is a "gotcha" question. I could not care less what Mr. Christie (or any politician) thinks about this ruling.
    Ask him this, dammit:
    1. We are beginning to become a Third World country. Today we actually have refugee camps on our borders - just like Somalia, Nigeria, etc., etc.. What will you do about it?
    2. My personal spending power has gone down over 30% in the past six years. What will you do to stop this trend?
    THAT is what matters.

  3. Also Amen 10:30
    How about the tent cities that have sprog up all across the us? How about the out of control taxes and spending when the public is broke and the states are going bankrupt? What about the outsourcing of jobs and the immigration problem in this country? Would you be willing to repeal all trade agreements like NAFTA, CAFTA, and GATT? How about bring constitutional law back to the supreme court and government in general?

  4. Don't be fooled this guy is a closet DemocRAT.

  5. 1207-You obviously haven't delved into Christie's history. If you did, you'd know otherwise. Is he a moderate Republican? Certainly. Will that win in 2016, probably not. But I think if he's picked as a VP candidate, he could do very well.

  6. Christie could easily get the presidency in 2016 if he stays moderate. Would republicans rather have an ultra-conservative candidate lose or a moderate republican win? No wonder our party looks like a joke, we forgot what compromise is.

  7. Thanks 4:42 it's refreshing to learn that one of you still exist.


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