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Monday, July 28, 2014

Lawn Chemicals can Stay in Body for Years/ Decades

The pesticides you use on your lawn to get rid of weeds and insects are part of a $10 billion-a-year industry. But some doctors are becoming more concerned about your exposure to those chemicals, CBS News correspondent Vinita Nair reports.

Joe Holland has been in the lawn care business for 30 years. His work requires him to be around a variety of chemicals, which is why he always tells his workers to take precautions.

"You always have to protect yourself when you're using any chemicals, no matter the grade," Holland said. "You have to wear a long sleeve shirt, long pants."



  1. Where do they find these lying, money grubbing "doctors"? FFS

  2. Lots of other chemicals stay in our bodies for years, even decades. I'm 65 years old and if I ingest glyphosphate and it stays in my body for 40 years it obviously didn't kill me.

  3. Well I can't say for certain if the chemicals stay in the body for years but I have seen the neurological effect chemicals have on waterfowl. When a farm field is sprayed and the waterfowl forage nearby shortly after, they will develop neurological difficulties. If you can get them to keep on eating and drinking so the toxins pass out of their bodies, before full blown "Limberneck" sets in they will usually survive.
    Makes me think the chemicals may be a cause of Parkinson's in humans.


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