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Monday, July 28, 2014

Illegals Demand Representation In White House Meetings

Illegal immigrants plan to picket the White House Monday afternoon, calling on fellow immigrant-rights advocacy groups to refuse to meet with the Obama administration until President Obama specifically includes illegal immigrants in any future meetings.

“We are among the millions of people who will either benefit or be harmed by the decisions the President makes, and we are here to represent ourselves in any future negotiations,” said Rosi Carrasco, one of organizers, in a statement announcing the action.

Billing themselves “undocumented immigrant leaders,” the organizers said they will erect a picket line to symbolize their demand.

The groups are fighting to keep momentum in the immigration debate, which has seemingly turned against them in recent weeks as Mr. Obama tries to deal with the surge of illegal immigrant children and families across the border.



  1. Legal citizens picket and demonstrate every day there, without results or recognition.

    Keep that in mind when reading the results of these demonstrations.

  2. These idiots are criminals!! Maybe that does qualify them for entrance to the white house. Birds of a feather and all that!

    Craig Theobald

  3. 8:38 Exactly correct.

  4. Good place and time to round them up and send them home. What is so difficult to understand about, illegal???????

  5. Load their A##'S up and ship them back where they came from!!!

  6. I say lock up the relatives that except the kids for assisting criminals.

  7. If they want to picket obama they need to go to the golf course.

  8. 8;35.... SMACK THAT ACE!!!!
    Try this kind of thing (openly declaring your illegal status in that country and picketing the leaders house.
    If you survive, you'll recover from the police beatings in a prison hospital.
    Here, we ignore the law (Eric Holder, you dumb ass --- you are the chief law enforcement official IN THE NATION -- these criminals are right outside your office!!
    But the rest of America is supposed to have respect for the law??
    Leadership comes from the top.
    Same goes for 'example'.

  9. lmclain said...
    8;35.... SMACK THAT ACE!!!!
    Try this kind of thing (openly declaring your illegal status in that country and picketing the leaders house.
    If you survive, you'll recover from the police beatings in a prison hospital.
    Here, we ignore the law (Eric Holder, you dumb ass --- you are the chief law enforcement official IN THE NATION -- these criminals are right outside your office!!
    But the rest of America is supposed to have respect for the law??
    Leadership comes from the top.
    Same goes for 'example'.

    July 29, 2014 at 10:16 AM

    You are correct. WTH is wrong with this country and it's citizens.


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