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Sunday, July 27, 2014

It's About to Become Clear!

Share this video with someone who is on the verge of giving up or feeling hopeless- Now is not the time to give up... Your FERVENT effectual prayers may take time but they are bringing results even if you can't see them yet! It's time to be relentless in the way we pray because - It's all about to become clear! Love you guys! ~Elder


  1. He should use very hot dark water, then turn the faucet to cold... he wouldn't have to b.s. so much while waiting for the water to turn clear...
    Yeah, keep praying for the miracle of liberal demise, America needs it.

  2. This is a man of God, and he is right if you will listen and follow his advice and keep on praying there will be a better day. Just wait on the Lord, it is in his time and not ours that things will turn around for all of us who believe.

  3. I needed that right now, thank you for posting!


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