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Thursday, July 31, 2014

Is Aspirin a Wonder Drug for Cancer?

Aspirin is one of the oldest known medicines, first used by the ancient Greeks, who used a naturally occurring form of it to treat pain and fever. But the latest modern-day scientific research is also finding that standby headache remedy is proving to be something of a wonder drug that can help prevent heart attacks and even certain types of cancer.

The latest research has found that taking a low-dose aspirin for more than 10 years may lower the risk of developing pancreatic cancer by up to 60 percent. The study, by Yale University researchers, also found that even taking a daily aspirin for just three years lowered the chances of developing the deadly cancer by nearly half.

Nieca Goldberg, M.D., a cardiologist with New York University Langone Medical Center, called the new findings “exciting” and tells Newsmax Health they add to mounting evidence that the anti-inflammatory properties of the drug not only help prevent heart disease, but may ward off cancer, as well.


  1. I guess I'm not too bright. Why would asprin target just one type of cancer in one area of the body. Why not all cancer in the body??

  2. I like your total body concept 8:15.Since the beneficial elements of aspirin permeate the entire body why WOULD'NT it address all forms of cancer in all of the body?

  3. Article mentions results with bowel and colon cancer as well as pancreas, all parts of the digestive system.
    Might have something to do with absorption.

  4. Above comment mentioned absorption.Would liquid aspirin enhance absorption? Does liquid aspirin exist solely in aspirin form? I'm not referring to liquid capsules of anything containing aspirin or related drugs.I'm referring to 100% liquid aspirin that would be poured into a measuring spoon and ingested.

  5. 9:20 Good concept..sounds like it would be more beneficial in all parts of the body that way. I guess we could melt aspirin and mix it in our smoothies.


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