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Thursday, July 31, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Israel, Hamas agree to 72-hour humanitarian cease-fire

Israel and Hamas agree to an unconditional, 72-hour humanitarian cease-fire in the Gaza conflict, set to begin Friday, the United States and United Nations announce.



  1. If one bomb drops in Israel from those terrorist Israel needs to Nuke the crap out of th and Obama needs to stay the hell out of Israel's situation so they can end this once and for All.

    1. But the prez and CNN are are PRO ISLAM.

  2. They are just reloading.

  3. 6:17
    You write as if the people of Palestine (Semites) have zero value. Their existence is threatened by Israel. They know full well that Israel can Holocaust them if they wish.

    Hamas does not represent the people of Palestine. Hamas was created by Israel as an excuse to constantly bombard the Palestinian people until there are none left.

    American Christians should raise their voice loudly in support of eliminating Hamas. But it must be done in an intelligent manner. There are 1.8 million souls in Gaza.

    Each and every one of them is a child of our Father according to our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Be kind.

    1. Excuse me know your history, the palistinians voted in HAMAS so they ALL get what they deserve and if you like them that much move your ass there.

    2. Terrorist don't have souls moron...I also say push everyone of those terrorist into the sea where they belong...

  4. 8:24, your sick assertion that Israel created Hamas is unbelievable.

    Hamas was also elected in Palestine.

    Among the REAL people of Gaza and Israel, there is outreach for peace and joint mourning.

    Without Hamas, there would be a great deal of peace over there.

    1. She is just another Obama terrorist sympathizer.

  5. The absence of Christianity on both sides is a war inducer all by itself.

  6. Hmmmmm how long did the pease process last 2.5 hrs with a terrorist blowing himself up In a tunnel killing 2 Israel soldiers and KIDNAPPING 1 SOLIDER LET THE BOMBS RAIN DOWN ON THE PALISTINIAN TERRORIST.


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