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Monday, July 14, 2014

Eric Holder: ‘Racial animus’ fuels opposition to Obama and me

Attorney General Eric Holder threw down the race card and said on national television that at least some of the political resistance that he and President Obama face is due to the color of their skin.

“There’s a certain level of vehemence, it seems to me, that’s directed at me [and] directed at the president,” Mr. Holder told ABC News. “You know, people talking about taking their country back. … There’s a certain racial component to this for some people. I don’t think this is the thing that is a main driver, but for some, there’s a racial animus.”

As the New York Post noted, Mr. Holder is the first black attorney general serving under the country’s first black president.



  1. It is not because you are black. It's because you won't uphold the laws of this Country. Period! Neither will your lying boss!

  2. Typical of this administration blaming everything and anything except the real culprit themselves.

  3. What a sad commentary on the first black president that he and his administration had to blame racism on their failed policies.

    I would opine that if a freedom loving, capitalist believing blac man or woman was president you would not hear this.

  4. More like their bad for this country.

  5. Ho hum holder. It's so tiring hearing these poster boys for why affirmative action is such a failure use racism as their excuse. Racism has nothing to do with the fact that they've been complete failures their whole lives and have contributed ZERO in the way of anything positive.
    It's no wonder the black race is in chaos. If holder and obama are the best they have to offer, something is really wrong.

  6. When did we start accepting excuses from our presidents? Racism? I doubt it. You failed. You own it.

  7. NOT "animus" but "enemas".

  8. No, Mr. Holder, it's just because you're the wrong person for the job, if that job is to uphold the Constitution and the law of this land. Were you my employee, you'd be looking for another job, and doing it without an endorsement from me.

  9. What a disgusting man this attorney general is, lawless, prejudiced and totally unqualified.

  10. What an incompetent hypocrite Holder is more racist than anybody in Obamas administration.

  11. No Holder your color has nothing to do with it! We don't like the things you do. Btw we don't like Pelosi or Reid either!


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