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Monday, July 14, 2014

"Coffee With Your Council"


  1. I would never spoil my coffee like this, I like it way too much.

  2. Joe, did the 2 security officers now patrolling the GOB come out of the money that was supposed to pay for real police officers? Are they really allowed to search you like the sign says?

  3. Who wants coffee at 6PM? It should be come kill a keg with your council.

    1. I would come in that case... so at least they could blame it on the booze

  4. 5:42 I agree. In the old days liquor stores were closed on election day. They are now open because you have to have a buzz just to vote for these liberal dingbats.

  5. Maybe the WBOE can whip put the old credit card and buy everyone coffee at Starbucks..see you there

  6. 5:19 if they post it they can search bags, you have an option just like court house, leave everything outside. They have the same authority as the non-uniformed deputies. For protection of public. This is the only government office building on shore that didn't take security serious. Times are a changing.

  7. I'm not a fan of the mayor nor the majority of Sby's council but I think this informal get together with citizens is a good idea.

  8. Anonymous said...
    I'm not a fan of the mayor nor the majority of Sby's council but I think this informal get together with citizens is a good idea.

    July 14, 2014 at 8:17 PM

    "I'm not a fan of...." = Code for LIAR!

    Funny how the slime bags try to creep the mayor and council on you slowly with these lies. Sad thing is this is how the low informed voters learn to accept lies from Democrats.

  9. Hey, it's free, you know shannie will be there for free coffee and somebody will bring some donuts

  10. 1:10-think what you want, but I am not a fan of any democrat anymore period, nor do I even live in Sby. I'm a Bishopville resident and as far right as you can get.
    Thinking "not a fan of" is a code word for anything is just plain old weird. If I say I'm not a fan of eggs that means I'm lying and really like to eat them?
    Anyway-I think anytime a politicians interacts with the public out of the very controlled meeting environment is a good idea.


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