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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Barack Obama on D.C. statehood: ‘I’m for it’

Another D.C. resident has voiced his support for statehood: President Barack Obama.

“I’m in D.C., so I’m for it,” the president said Monday at an event in Washington, according to The DCist.

“I think I’ve long believed that D.C. pays — folks in D.C. pay taxes like everybody else. They contribute to the overall well-being of the country like everybody else. They should be represented [in Congress] like everybody else,” Obama said. “And it’s not as if Washington, D.C., is not big enough compared to other states. There has been a long movement to get D.C. statehood, and I’ve been for it for quite some time.”



  1. Barak Hussein Obama, turning America into a third world nation one misguided liberal cause at a time...

    Barak Hussein Obama, a legacy of the worst President in U.S. history.

    Barak Hussein Obama, wrong is right and right is wrong every time.

  2. Maybe we should consider this. Then NYC, LA, Chicago, St. Louis, Baltimore, Boston, etc. etc. can be states too.

  3. Like most of the residents - too stupid to understand the ramifications.....

  4. I wasn't sure where I stood before but if Obama is for it then it must be a bad idea.

  5. Yet another clearly stated portion of the US Constitution that BHO doesn't like.

  6. The 600,000 residents of DC deserve representation just like the rest of the US population.

  7. BO doesn't respect or enforce the other laws of our land or the constitution, so it doesn't surprise me that he thinks DC should be a "state". Still trying to "fundamentally" change America before he leaves office. The next president is going to have a lot to undo....

  8. I wonder if he thinks he can make DC a state by executive order. Wouldn't surprise me if he tries.


  9. Heck, he'd probably just vote "Present" like he normally did.

  10. If DC needs representation other than the congress of the USA, then make DC a part of Maryland or Virginia, and they will have their representation. 600,000 people do not deserve their own 2 senators or their own representatives.

  11. 11:31:
    Exactly! there are enough who don't deserve 2 senators as it is.

  12. Hey 11:31, tell that to Wyoming and Vermont. You might want to know what you're talking about and know your fact before you make yourself look stupid.

  13. Since the land came from Maryland, Just put them back in Maryland!

  14. Washington D.C. is the military center of the world. It is one of the 3 controlling cities:

    Washington, London, and Rome.

    It is supposed to be a city. Not a state.

    Military, Finance, and Religion

  15. 10:52
    At least you are out there understanding the real reason DC cannot ever be a state.
    Our public schools have so dumbed down America that it appears nobody else knows that DC was specifically mentioned in the constitution as to never be a state, and those that live there on a permanent basis shouldn't.

  16. Anonymous said...
    The 600,000 residents of DC deserve representation just like the rest of the US population.

    July 22, 2014 at 10:19 AM

  17. Anonymous said...
    If DC needs representation other than the congress of the USA, then make DC a part of Maryland or Virginia, and they will have their representation. 600,000 people do not deserve their own 2 senators or their own representatives.

    July 22, 2014 at 11:31 AM

    DC was Maryland and it would be a mistake to take them back.


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