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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

A Viewer Writes: AT&T Robbed At Gunpoint Last Night In Salisbury

"Just in case they try to hide this one with the various other crimes".


  1. I know they weren't stealing their service plans. I hope you asshats are enjoying your governments help. Ask any officer about the crime around here, they hide 90% of it.

  2. That is true and don't know why...looks like they would want the public informed???? Break-ins on Brantly / Granada (off Old Ocean City Rd) two weeks ago, nothing in the news!

  3. The Daily trash is nothing but yesterdays news... never changes..

    Junk, propaganda crap

  4. It is all about property values. They hide the crime so they can sucker in stupid people that think the Delmarva peninsula is a wonderful place to raise your family, Ha!!!!

  5. But Hey, there is no crime in Salisbury. LOL

  6. I am sure SPD will make this a theft instead of a robbery. Crime is down you know.

  7. Makes our elected leaders look bad. Can't be no crime in the "bury"

  8. In some areas of our great state of MD they are breaking into cars and stealing airbags...is this a new "hot" item for thieves? Has anyone heard if it is happening in Salisbury yet? What next!

  9. Crime is down 57%?


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