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Sunday, July 13, 2014

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 7-8-14

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "You Have To Seriously Wonder, Just How Rigged Are ...":

well, well, well King Mackes has got his minion Strasburg singing the praises of these tournaments. They may be great for the restaurants and hotels - most nationally owned - not locally owned which should be noted - but at what expense to the taxpayer to make money for that group? Then that group pays a tax that goes back to the Civic Center and Tourism to keep Mackes' empire growing. If Mackes is doing such a bang up job of bringing money to this County, why are we in such dire straits? Is it because he gets rewarded with a huge budget for new vehicles and big jump in wages for certain staff members? He is one of the core problems with our county government. With the passing of Henry Parker one would think that those in charge would find the courage to fire or at least rein in this rogue department head - but no, let's just have the tax payers fund more for the Civic Center, parks, tourism and whatever else he wants. They make it sound so easy and pretty - THINK PEOPLE! You don't build something and that is the end of it. Think about the maintenance costs to maintain all of these "income producing" moves - just more burden on the tax payer. We need to be down-sizing to what we can afford - not growing. LEADERSHIP IN WICOMICO COUNTY IS CLUELESS AND I HOPE POLLITT LOSES AND THAT CULVER CLEANS HOUSE.



  2. Well said. Now we the voters need to vote like we are not clueless too. VOTE CULVER and let's throw the bums out!

  3. Ugh! So sick of Mackes and his ego and all those who support/enable him. Replacing Ricky is just one part of the problem. We need to really focus on the council too. Fresh, clear thinking by people who understand what living on a budget means. We cannot sustain adding to Mackes "kingdom". I for one need some tax relief.

  4. Culver has my vote too. This comment is without a doubt the most visionary and informative one for long time. Just puts all the department's under Mackies in perspective. Thanks for sharing these this thoughtful comment.

  5. Are you saying Mackes gets money from the hotels? What are the funds used for?

  6. Culver is getting my vote too. Pollitt has had 8 years to clean up the mess but hasn't so it's time to give someone else a chance. BTW, there should be a term limit on an executive just like a president and governor. This job doesn't need a lifelong bureaucrat.

  7. you people are idiots, plain and simple...

    you fail to educate yourself so it doesn't matter what these nut jobs do or say while suck off the taxpayer teat...

    You all will still ignore any truth we provider as false and think what you want based on the bashing of others...

    IF you want to see change, then be the change you wish to see - Ghandi

    But no, you just run your mouth here or anywhere you can doing absolutely nothing productive with your time...

    How about you fix your damn selves first, then we can fix the govt...

  8. My family and I are all voting for Culver

  9. Just take a look at Nanticoke Harbor , trash and litter all over the park and beach area , Roaring Point beach the same , just to name a few. He builds trash to spend money.

  10. at one time henry parker was the king good ole boy, you can take THAT to the bank

  11. 1:04 the county has a tax on hotel rooms, they grab money from all directions. That's how smart these idiots are, they tax people to come here? WTF? How is that supporting tourism? Slush fund is more like it.

  12. Parker was Mackes' mentor and Daddy Warbucks.

  13. 1:09 the ugly poster calling people idiots.

    If you are a county employee you need to quit. How dare you call the people who YOU are sucking off the teat of idiots. THE TAXPAYERS PAY YOUR SALARY. Hope Culver eliminates your position - too many people in the Exec's office anyway. Yeah, it isn't hard to figure out it is Mr. Thin Skinned who is lashing out.

  14. 4:44 - May Henry Parker rest in peace and now Mackes needs to leave us in peace.

  15. anon 3.01: I know the fine young gentleman who works his tail off down the on the west side to keep up with all the trash and such. As far as vehicles go i cannot think of any county,city or state division that needed a fleet upgrade more than the parks dept.

  16. This is a GREAT post. Thanks for sharing it Joe. May have missed it in comments. I agree with this poster. We all need to encourage our family, friends and neighbors to "throw the bums out". Maybe you could do daily posts under that heading and get a campaign started. Wouldn't that be great to have a campaign aimed at getting out the vote instead of the endless campaign yammering of those seeking office. It is up to us to be the CHANGE we need. You could lead the charge.

  17. 4:46 - Glad to hear about a dedicated county employee. I am sure some vehicles needed to be replaced, however did the Parks department head need a $50,000+ SUV that he gets to take home? I don't think so. Not on my dime. When you are in a financial bind you don't go for luxury unless you don't understand what a budget is, are arrogant or just plain tone deaf to the plight of your fellow citizens who are struggling to make ends meet. Just another example of why the Pollitt regime needs to go. So out of touch.


  18. How was attendance and revenue at Porky Park this year?

    What will the Beer Fest do under new tasting sizes?

  19. How about you fix your damn selves first, then we can fix the govt...

    July 8, 2014 at 1:09 PM

    Good advice...for YOU to follow.

    Look no further than the man in the mirror.

  20. 7:27 - very funny and on point. If the ugly 1:09 poster thinks we don't know who he is - he's crazy. I guess drinking buddies stick together regardless of how ridiculous one of them makes the other look. Blind faith or a debt owed...whatever it is...the one could take the other down with him. Ricky needs to get a grip or he will be the third leg of that wobbly table that collapses.

  21. 3:01 I am a citizen of the county just like you and I live down within eyesight of the nanticoke harbor beach and my family frequently goes to it and the other park facilities that have beaches and I am a good friend with the young man who takes care of them and I am here to tell you he has got his hands full. Just a few years ago it was such a nice place to take my family without the outsiders from town coming down there. I still take my family to it but when I do there are the nasty individuals I see that are letting their trash blow and when they leave they don't pick up their own trash. It just shows to you that they probably do the same thing at home. It ranges from baby diapers to food waste to dog crap it's so unthought full. I try to help the young man by picking up trash I see but after awhile enough is enough I would have a full time job going behind these scum balls . So I what I'm trying to say is clean up after yourself and the only way to change how trashy it is 3:01 be apart of helping clean it up thank you.

  22. I take my kids to these parks, and they play softball in these tournaments and I am here to tell you that they are in wonderful conditions and I feel we need more fields with lights on them and more fields in Wicomico County to keep us from having to travel to other county's.

  23. Anonymous said...
    Culver is getting my vote too. Pollitt has had 8 years to clean up the mess but hasn't so it's time to give someone else a chance. BTW, there should be a term limit on an executive just like a president and governor. This job doesn't need a lifelong bureaucrat.

    July 8, 2014 at 1:09 PM

    There are term limits Idiot. They are at the Ballot Boxes.

  24. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    you people are idiots, plain and simple...

    you fail to educate yourself so it doesn't matter what these nut jobs do or say while suck off the taxpayer teat...

    You all will still ignore any truth we provider as false and think what you want based on the bashing of others...

    IF you want to see change, then be the change you wish to see - Ghandi

    But no, you just run your mouth here or anywhere you can doing absolutely nothing productive with your time...

    How about you fix your damn selves first, then we can fix the govt...

    July 8, 2014 at 1:09 PM

    What is this Clown babbling about?

  25. Anonymous said...
    1:04 the county has a tax on hotel rooms, they grab money from all directions. That's how smart these idiots are, they tax people to come here? WTF? How is that supporting tourism? Slush fund is more like it.

    July 8, 2014 at 3:07 PM

    The Salisbury Zoo gets 1% of that tax.


  26. Gary Mackes said...

    you people are idiots, plain and simple...

    you fail to educate yourself so it doesn't matter what these nut jobs do or say while suck off the taxpayer teat...

    You all will still ignore any truth we provider as false and think what you want based on the bashing of others...

    IF you want to see change, then be the change you wish to see - Ghandi

    But no, you just run your mouth here or anywhere you can doing absolutely nothing productive with your time...

    How about you fix your damn selves first, then we can fix the govt...

    July 8, 2014 at 1:09 PM

  27. Just look what happened when Pollitt was elected, public works was being robbed daily, it was covered up and only held one person accountable, the one Mike Lewis busted. The department head was allowed to retire without question? The robbery continues.

  28. Anonymous said...
    I take my kids to these parks, and they play softball in these tournaments and I am here to tell you that they are in wonderful conditions and I feel we need more fields with lights on them and more fields in Wicomico County to keep us from having to travel to other county's.

    July 8, 2014 at 9:11 PM

    One of Gary Mackes brain dead followers. He has them all saying the same tired mantra. You should see when he brings them in front of the County Council with him. They all look like zombies. This post is trying to make it sound like Parks and Recs are worth paying more taxes for.

    Please tell me what team your kids play on in these tournaments? How many do you have? You must have a lot because all of these tournaments vary.

  29. Anonymous said...
    Just look what happened when Pollitt was elected, public works was being robbed daily, it was covered up and only held one person accountable, the one Mike Lewis busted. The department head was allowed to retire without question? The robbery continues.

    July 9, 2014 at 1:11 PM

    You speak volumes with this post. It's time to put a new council in office. Laura Mitchell scares me. Oh, and so does John Cannon.

  30. Anonymous said...
    4:44 - May Henry Parker rest in peace and now Mackes needs to leave us in peace.

    July 8, 2014 at 4:48 PM

    So eloquently spoken!

  31. Anonymous said...

    How was attendance and revenue at Porky Park this year?

    What will the Beer Fest do under new tasting sizes?

    July 8, 2014 at 6:53 PM

    LMAO what attendance? It was a BIG FLOP!! Guess the people have spoken! Keep on charging stupid cover charges and see what happens to this county you greedy people.

    Does anyone know if the County Council approved Gary Mackes charging that cover at the gate for Pork in the Park?

    Does Gary Mackes have to get permission for anything in the County? Seems like the only time he goes in front of the County Council any more is when he is trying to swindle the council out of money for his pet projects.

  32. 1:18 PM Mr. Cannon seems to be a nice guy, but I believe ideology wise he is a RINO. He and his family are deeply vested in the business of being slum lords. They are more concerned about fleecing unsuspecting renters and running down property values in Salisbury and Wicomico County.

    Am I correct? Does anyone dispute this?

  33. I do not think Mackes was the implementer of event fee increases. That was probably the brain child of his deputy dawg Mr Wisk who has the personality of a lima @ the salisbury zoo. Time has passed this and all there events by. People can only take so much pork,beer,liberal whine and cheez.


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